
Are stripes bigger than solids? (Pool Balls)?

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My buddy and I are having a disagreement about pool balls. He thinks the stripes are bigger than the solids. Does anybody have the answer and if so how can you prove it? If you ask me I think they are the same size.




  1. no thats just an expression they are usually caled stripes and smalls, its cuz the solids look smaller.

    They accually arnt

  2. fine the cubic volume of each

  3. The stripe just makes it look bigger.  You can measure the circumference of each if you want to double check.

  4. they are the same size  only the number is bigger

  5. Your friend has probably heard stripes called "big ones" and solids called "little ones".  This has nothing to do with the physical size of the balls, which are exactly the same.  It refers to the numbering system - stripes are 9 - 15 and solids are 1 - 7, and of course the 8-ball is a category unto itself.

  6. They are the same size.  You can prove it with a scale (for mass) and a graduated cylinder (fluid displacement = volume.)

  7. i play pool alot...i do a lot of trick shots and the balls are the same size if there werent it wouldnt be fair

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