
Are student's lack of diciplines a main cause for American education going down?

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Many people(esspecially in US) say teachers are stupid,parents are stupid,government are stupid and not enough money for the school.But deep within me i think the real main cause is the attitude of a bunch of stupid school students that started all these nonsense.They skipped school,they smoke weeds and cigarettes,they drink booze,they won't do their homework,they're bullying other students for nothing,they loot,they steal.When this is happening,who's to blame?Parents?Teachers?State Gov?NO!!!..The students themselves are the main culprit of all these nonsense.I'm not an American citizen so I'm quite baffled with this scenario.Why parents,teachers and state officials kept blaming eachother for a mistake that they did'nt do?Why don't they put a full focus of the level of diciplines among the school students?Are they affraid of the students?Are they affraid that the so-called "The American Way" might died out if student's dicipline were the main focus here?




  1. Actually, I think it's more a cultural problem.

    Yes, students are ultimately responsible for their own behavior.  But they learn much of it from parents and from other adults.  We live in a very self-indulgent society.  Oh it looks like we're working awfully hard, and we do, but the flip side of it is: buy toys, spend money like crazy, consume without much thought for tomorrow.  The obesity epidemic isn't just affecting our waistlines.

    And blaming people is such a waste of time. It's just a way of saying "I didn't make the mess and I'm not doing one darn thing to fix it."

  2. No. The sole cause of deteriorated education is the lawyer and the court, at the point of a gun. The rent seeking lawyer has destroyed school discipline. The lawyer has shifted massive funding to the education of defective children. They will return nothing. By their criminality and defectiveness, the defective children will be good lawyer clients. They have entitled parents that attack our schools if any kind of discipline takes place.

    Teachers think about litigation every minute.

    Corporal punishment should return. Judges should go first in receiving it.

    If our technological ability gets destroyed, thank a lawyer.  

  3. First of all, most teachers and parents are not stupid.  There is a lack of discipline at home that carries over into the schools.  It is understandably hard for teachers to discipline kids without upsetting the parents.  If the schools have the support of the parents, the students are not discipline problems.  The other problem is that the government has put so much emphasis on testing that teachers can't do their jobs as well as they used to.  The schools are judged based on test scores and so are the teachers.  Not only that, but the students who have very severe learning disabilities are tested and those scores are averaged in with the rest of the students' scores.  These kids have to be so frustrated to have to go through all that when what they really need is to be learning something that will help them in life.  So as you see, there are many factors that contribute to our problems in education.  We still have a lot of great teachers, parents, and students in the U.S.

  4. yes..because if they lack of discipline,they may not be successful because discipline is a requirement to success

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