
Are student teachers in nashville, tn paid while they student teach?

by Guest59278  |  earlier

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my wife is getting ready to student teach here in nashville, tn and we are both confused as to whether or not you get paid while you do it-if you don't i really think that's messed up




  1. I just finished my student teaching in Indiana.  I did not get paid.  Thankfully, I have a fiance who was able to take on all the financial burden.

    As for as know, no student teachers get paid.  

    Tell your wife good luck because the job search that follows is anything but pleasant!

  2. I'm a former "student teacher."

    In all likelihood, your wife will not get paid, expect with her final grade and three months of classroom experience. I was a student teacher in Florida in the early 90s, and the student internship was a requirement to graduate, and I worked for a term in a local high school

    It may seem unfair, but your wife isn't a teacher. She's a student. She's required to have some classroom interaction and demonstrate her abilities as a potential teacher. She's officially a "teacher" after she graduates successfully, takes any required certification tests and is licensed or certified by the state.

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