
Are students actually required to forfeit their school supplies at the beginning of the school year?

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I hear that on the first day of school, the teacher takes all the school supplies the students bring and put them together for the whole class to use. Does this happen? What do you parents think about this?




  1. That never happened to me, but if it had my parents would most likely be angry because if they spent money on supplies for me that a teacher said I had to give up for the class to use it'd be like giving away money

  2. yes it does happen becuz some pple that r less fortunate that go to the school dont have money to buy the materials. But as ur child gets older only ur child would be using it. Cuz that happen to me last year cuz i paid 5 buck s to see a museum and half the class didnt and they got to go and i was really mad but i realize that if there someone who  doesnt have enough or thinks thats alot u cant discorage the kid saying u cant go cuz u didnt pay

  3. Only in grades k-5 at certain schools for certain supplies, like Kleenex and glue sticks.

    At a middle/high school students don't have the same teacher for each class so this system would be inefficient and costly.

  4. For the younger kids(K-2nd) yes. Its only for a certian amount of supplys....pencils, erasers, tissues, notebook paper hand soap..ect. I think its a good idea because then the child cant say that they dont have a pencil and that way the teacher can give them a pencil that they can use for that certain amount of time. It prevents children from loosing or misplacing their supplies and prevents the other kids from learning because they are spending so much time looking for what the need to get. Its a good idea for this age group.

  5. I'm a teacher, and I do this.  Many years I didn't.  What happened in the years I didn't was this....

    Everything ran out around December.  paper, pencils, glue, highliters, you name it.  

    kids use paper for notes, airplanes, origami boxes, origami swords, origami freddy krueger nails, you name it.  

    Pencils are stolen, forgot at home, broken in pencil fights, you name it.  

    Hi-liters - are used as "pretty markers" or nail polish.  

    THen parents are requested to buy supplies again because no one has any.  The problem that the supplies are no longer on sale....and I'm lucky if anyone gets them.  Then guess what....maybe 3 kids will actually buy more paper and pencils....And when they do....they have beggar kids at their desks...and then THEIR supplies vanish in less than a week.  Then THEIR parents refuse to keep buying supplies because they disappear.  

    But I promise you....When I collect supplies at the beginning of the year....we actually have enough paper, pencils, glue, last the entire year....without asking for any later.  

    Teachers have no intentions of keeping them for ourselves. I know you invest a lot in their supplies....but there is an average of maybe ONE kid...who has nothing...and Most teachers grab supplies themselves when the sales hit for "emergencies " like this.  Believe me....I am well stocked with notebooks and comp books before day one.  

    You arent funding the class....promise.  :)

    Hope you feel better

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