
Are students getting too much homework?

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I was a Freshman in the 2007-2008 school year. In the beginning, the amount of homework was moderate - about 2 to 3 hours every afternoon. Later on, it just consistently began to increase so much - about 8 to 10 hours every afternoon/night. I ended up going to bed on an average of 12 to 1 am, and getting about 6 to 7 hours of sleep every school night. I was not participating in any extracurricular activites at the time, and I was taking normal Freshman classes. Most of the days, I did not have time to take showers (Yes, I know...) or talk to my friends from grammar school (I have lost most of them.). I don't really interact with my parents anymore, mainly because homework kind of just made it that way. This 2008-2009 school year, I will be taking Honors classes, which I am not anticipating because it just sounds like more work and much more stress. I really want to join two of my school's clubs, but I don't think I will since there seems to be no time for any of that.




  1. I was a freshman during 2007-2008

    and I pretty much got the weirdest, hardest most death defying homework I ever seen

  2. Holy grapes you sound just like me! I'm in the same boat, last year was the same for me (my freshman year as well) i tried playing on the basketball team but after 2 weeks of practices and games i had to quit because my homework kept piling up. but i was able to be in 1 club because they met once a month and it was after school. try doing your work in class, while your waiting on your ride, or in the car or bus. hope i could help and good luck this year.  

  3. You must be insanely slow and anal with doing your work because I have never had that much homework, even when I was taking Honors and AP classes.

  4. i have 1 and less than a half years of high school left, they say homework is around 8-10 hours each night. i got 0 - 30 minutes max and to study for test thats about 2 hour max.

  5. i barley read the details but yea kids have too much homework i mean whats homework for we already have school to do

  6. Thats absurd.

    you need to read better, more efficiently.    that should help .

  7. ur probaly starting ur homework to late or u r doing something between ur homework. u need to set aside 3 hour of homework and dont do anything in those 3 hours beside do ur homework if u dont finish then thats how u know. im going to 7th grade and i get between 8 hours homework but i go to an IB school so of course u get more homework  

  8. I doubt this

  9. not enough

  10. I was a freshman that same school year as well. I only stayed up once until midnight doing my homework. I was taking all honors, and participated in after school band. You may want to plan out a bit more. don't procrastinate on projects or studying. This year, i will be in a AP (advanced placement) course, and don't expect much more homework.  

  11. yes we are, i do my homework and it takes me almost all night. Im going into 7th grade and i am on the a honor roll. I have gained weight beacause i dont have time to go ouside and play because i have to much homework

  12. I know students get way too much homework from school

    but what I do is that i do as much of it in school as possible and while i'm walking/riding home i would work on it too and sometime when i'm too tired and i know the last part is easy, i would go to sleep and wake up earlier in the morning to finish it.


  13. it comes down to planning out your HW schedule b/c it should take 10 hrs to do HW...if everyone else gets it done with no problem maybe your having trouble with a particular subject and need some extra help to get it done faster or maybe you cant stay focused for long i.e while your doing your HW your on IM, checking myspace/facebook, watching TV, listening to music....try going to the library to do your HW or a study hall at school after school

  14. Yes waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy too much. My average is 96% and I'm 15, but I have to work my butt off to do so well. Homework is just so overrated and I don't think it really helps students benefit that much. Many teachers, NOT all teachers forget that their student have other activities in life like dance, singing, sports etc. I have at least 2-3 hrs. of homework every night, and rarely get 8 hrs. of sleep. Students need to have the right amount of sleep so that they can function and learn properly at school!

  15. Is this high school or college?

  16. I felt that way too, but you should def do it cuz colleges look for kids who are well rounded! which means you do more than just homework, you can also play sports! and if you arent well rounded they can go choose some other kid who is. I made the mistake of not doing sports, i dont want you too! And yes we do get a lot of homework, so sacrifice play time or something unimportant!

  17. Students these days are getting a ton more homework than before , my brother whose in the 7th grade brings home around 5 hours of homework every night . Its ridiculous but I guess that's life. Try joining the clubs and if it doesn't work out for you all I can say is quit them .

  18. I know its ridiculous rite!!! We are getting too much homework. I have dance like 3 hours a nite and its hard to find time to do all of it without going to bed super late. ANd then lack of sleep affects everything you do including the next day of school.  

  19. just 1 more reason Im glad I homeschool my son. He'll be in the 6th grade this year, but I alwyas plan work that I know he can finish durign th eday, so the nights are his, if he wants to study more, thats fine, its all up to him, but when he gets older, I still plan on making it to where all hsi studies will be done during the school hours, btu after that, its all up to him.

  20. It would be impossible to have 8 to 10 hours of homework a night.  There's something wrong with your calculation, or you're in too difficult of class for your level.

    I'm all for having a well balanced school experience.  I don't like to see teens working because school is a full time job.  I know there are circumstances where they have to work, but often it's so that they can afford a car, which although it's fun to have at 16, isn't as meaningful long term as a good academic experience.

    I substitute teach and find that in many schools homework is assigned because the work isn't done in class.  Teachers spend so much time trying to get and keep a class quiet that little time is left to actually work.  

    Also, schools are having to teach things that were taught in the school, leaving less time to teach the 3 Rs.  

    Finally, increasing amounts of standardized tests are requiring that in some schools, teachers are forced to try and ramp up education programs that have long been lacking.

    Sure, you have some "mean" teachers that will just always assign a lot of homework (usually to get you to learn more), but there are more logistical reasons for any increase in homework - if there is in fact an increase.

  21. Are you kidding? My homework was never more than 1 hour. You need to read better, get a tutor, or something. And I was a freshman last year too.

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