
Are studies always accurate?

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For instance there was a study done on ashkenazi jews on hair color. It came out that 50% had dark hair. But this is odd. I am from Belarus and there are alot of Ashkenazi there. I have rarely come across someone with brown hair. The majority had black hair. I was wondering, if I read other studies, even on drugs should I trust them?




  1. No. No they are not, and I wish people didn't have to ask questions like this.

    Studies are research findings, there is always the potential for human error, misrepresentation, inaccurate reporting.... They are useful but I wouldn't even begin to trust one unless it had been repeated and peer reviewed up the wazoo.

  2. nope not always accurate

  3. Of course not all studies are accurate.

    There are always weaknesses to studies.

    Also it could just be a one off so check if there are any other studies to back up the ones you find relevant.

  4. What I do is read several different studies on the same subject.

    Studies are only as good as the people doing the study. They are biased.

    You mentioned study on drugs. A pharmaceutical companies cloney (the person and study is bought and paid for by the ph. company which usually here in America is the partners with the government) is  not going to be a truthful study. The study is going to be a glamorized commercial.  Only when people start dying or a group of independent people do the study is the truth revealed.

    Reading more then one study and using what experience you have (if any), is the best way to come to your own conclusion.

    Wish you well..

  5. There is always some degree of bias in any study

  6. Studies often contradict other studies. So scientists do more studies. That's why there are so many studies! When many studies show the same result, then you can trust them.

  7. no they are not all ways accurate

  8. No,  there is always an exception to the rule, on everything.

  9. If they're correlated with many other studies, they're probably accurate.

    If they're alone and a lot of others correlate against them, they're probably not accurate.

    If there's only a couple of studies of it's kind then you can't use correlation to judge.  You have to understand the science used and follow their method step by step to see if you agree with their results.

  10. It really depends on how accurate the evidence is that completes the study. Ms

  11. No..most studies have a "margin of error".  Studies can also be skewed by asking particular questions that can be answered to favor the study. I don't think you should ever rely on one source. consult 3 or 4 or more to get a grander view.

  12. no... they keep chainging

  13. actually no!!!!

    but if the inverse of it not proved yes it is accurate.

  14. No study on its own constitutes proof of anything.  The results of many studies however contribute to a body of evidence in which the more times a result is repeated, the more it is considered likely to reflect the best explanation for the phenomenon in question.

    For individual studies, however, there are clues to look for as to whether or not the study was done well or badly.  If it is a 'scientific' study, and they are citing statistical evidence, look for the 'power', 'precision' and confidence intervals.  Power should be high - about 0.8 or 80% preferably more.  Precision  (usually written as the 'p value') should be 0.05.  Confidence intervals should be narrow (that is,  not give a huge range of possible values).

    Always read the method, and the 'strengths and limitations' section of each study, too.  If they do not have any of these, then there's a good chance they're not mentioned for a reason.

    Also, look for studies from reputable, peer-reviewed journals, or from reputable institutions.

  15. no. be street smart..

  16. not necessarily....

  17. no u dont have to always believe them . whether the given data is accurate depends on the sorce from where u have got to know abt it . but i m not saying u to totally distrust them or believe them . so read abt that particular from diff. sources & analyse`  the correct one .

  18. of course not. someone is always wrong.

  19. Studies are always accurate!!

    They all prove the point of the people doing the study & the point they want to make.

    Proof..The government gives away millions of dollars a year for people to do "studies" & the government would never use money unwisely.

  20. wtf?    imagine a jew with brown or black hair?   riviting.   next question is if statistically jew noses are typically large or medium large.  and what happens when you put surveyers on drugs and conduct the same test.  bah ha.

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