
Are sunni women allowed to visit graveyards?

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allamay - why am i bien foolish. in madina al munawara wer muhammed(saww) is buried, women arnt allowed to go thro the same way as the men when visting the go round the back and see nothing, is it because sunni women arnt alowed to visit graves ?




  1. Yes of course we are allowed, but we refrain from beating/crying as that is wrong

  2. Imam Bukhari has recorded a Hadith of Sayyidatuna Umm Atiyya (Radhiallaahu Anha) that she said, 'We were prohibited from following the Janaaza, i.e. until the graveyard.' (Bukhari Hadith No.1278; See Fathul Baari vol.3 pg.187)

    Women were/are prohibited from visiting graves is due to our corrupted environment wherein women who do not adhere to the laws of Hijaab and hence strange men are attracted towards them. Therefore, it is not permissible for young females to visit the graveyard.

    However, if the laws of the Shariah (Hijaab, intermingling, crying, etc.) are not violated then the prohibition may be set aside. Since generally the women visiting the graves are not free from the above aspects, they should refrain from doing so.

    If a female visits the grave to remember death and soften without crying . there is nothing wrong if they are old. It is Makrooh (not permissible) if they are young.

  3. Nope..Sunni women arent allowed to visit graveyards and it is for a reason...

  4. muslim women in general are allowed to visit graveyards

  5. stop being foolish.

    Its Amallay actually

  6. Yes we can , but we're not supposed to cry or create any drama. We tend to do that.  

  7. There not allowed to go on the exact time there getting burried as the women are emotional people and they cry and it will cause a scene.. Salam.  

  8. Who said any thing about worshiping graves?

    Muslims worship Allah only, and when men visit graves they don't worship the buried people but they pray Allah to have mecry on them, and to gather them all in heaven.

    Women aren't allowed to visit the grave yards as they' re emotional but they're allowed to go there if the deceased is their mother or a female relative where they help clean the body  ,put it in the coffin and get it ready to be buried.  

  9. Where I come from women are not supposed to go to a funeral but they are allowed to go to the graveyard but not often.

  10. Women are not supposed to visit the graveyards.

  11. Of course.

    Volumn 002, Book 023, Hadith Number 343.


    Narated By Anas bin Malik : The Prophet passed by a woman who was sitting and weeping beside a grave and said to her, "Fear Allah and be patient."

    If it was forbidden, he would have told her "Fear Allah and go home". It is clearly not forbidden and you can see this from the books of Funeral in Hadith collections.

  12. what i know that in Islam men and women are not allowed to practice Grave worshiping,but in shiaism they can.

  13. Yes. It's just that they are not supposed to visit graves very often.

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