
Are tadpoles expensive? i want to get one but I dont know if they are expensive.?

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Are tadpoles expensive? i want to get one but I dont know if they are expensive.?




  1. they are usually free. you can catch them in a pond, or you can try calling petstores such as petco or petsmart. i work at a petsmart, and sometimes we get tadpoles in with our feeder fish delivery so we just give them away.

  2. Tadpoles are one of the cheapest pets you can get. You can phone a pet store in your area and ask if they have them. If they do they will less than $1.

    Buy a few!

    If not, they can be found for several more weeks in many ponds and lakes. They are easy to catch and care for. See the link below for care instructions.

  3. tadpoles are like $0.50 to $3.00 dollars depending on the size. i bought mine for $1.00. they are easy to care for. just feed them and watch them grow.

  4. Go to a dugout and get some : ) Then they are free !!

  5. tadpoles are boring, and u can just catch em in a creek or somethin, but thats cruelity. So forget about getting a tadpole.

    glad i could help, your welcome

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