
Are tarot cards a form of clairvoyance or a non-psychic form of divination. ?

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First let me say I'm not considering using tarot cards, I believe them to be an occult tool that will likely attract evil spirits, however, I'm seeking information about them because I'm starting a paranormal club and wish to explain how a psychic differs from someone who offers palm, card, and star readings. So would I be right in saying that anyone can use a tarot deck so long as they know what the cards mean? Or do they require special powers or insight to "work" (like a crystal ball).





  1. I've been to a place that printed such cards. Same place printed other cardboard items and boxes. Same inks, presses and paper. It must be satisfying to purchase the paranormal abilities. Though the best insight Item I have bought is a Magic 8 Ball. Works great.

    But why my cereal box glows is unknown. What does Cap'n Crunch inverted mean anyway?

  2. I think that anyone can use them.  Certain decks have the basic meanings printed right on the card to make it easier.

  3. It's only a tool-

    They can be book learned or a medium such as myself can feel energy off of them.  They do not attract spirits. It is merely digging deep into your own subconcious where your answers lie. Like  the dream-it gives you symbols from within that are already apart of you and always will be. Tarot is lik e awaking dream which needs an interpreter. There is nothing evil or negative about it.

    Why are you starting a paranormal group with the belief it attracts evil?

    It's the opposit of what spiritualists (who believe in the paranormal ) actually believe. If you're going to start  a group on a particular belief it shouldnt be don eto spread lie about it. Dogma tends to spread lies of fear in order to gain control-That is truth.. Spiritualists believe we all have the ability to connect with God and the souls that are with him, don't start a group you understand nothing about-All that does is spread misinformation and myths-making more fear. Join a group already made and learn from within. You don't have to believe in it even, so much as learn first what it is and not knowing tarot cards you must not know much in the feild-as it is the most basic of tools.

    Please do not spread misinformation.

  4. Tarot readers are psychics. The power to interpret the cards comes from the reader not the cards themselves.

    If you are not intuitive then the cards are useless. Yes they are part of occult knowledge but not evil nor demonic. Simply tools  to be used  by gifted people.

    If you really want to be knowledgeable and be able to discuss the tarot you need to have a better understanding of what they are and how they work. A good reader can use a regular deck of cards and many do.

    I doubt a question here can give you that knowledge. I suggest you do some reading on them. Buy some tarot instructional books from various sources and study the history of the cards. They started out just a card game.

    You may have people who do understand the cards join your club so an open mind is very important, unless of course you will restrict membership to only those who believe the way you do. Many pagans and Wiccans are very into the paranormal and if you have a prejudice against the occult it will hurt your relationship with those members.

    For example if you believe the occult to be evil and know only that view and you have a Wiccan join and you start telling them how evil the occult is and how tools like tarot cards can attract evil spirits, you unintentionally called that person evil.

    I know you mean well and this is not meant to do anything but open your mind to how people feel and think. Getting involved in the paranormal will cause you to be  around people who do not see things how you do.

    An open mind is the most important tool you will ever use.

    Edit: You do not have to even discuss tarot or other forms of divination since you just want to start a paranormal club. Usually the paranormal fans are interested in mainly ghosts and extend it to Big Foot and UFO's at times.

    As I said many pagans are into the paranormal and telling people that certain aspects of their religion attracts evil is not a good idea.

    Most paranormal study guides I have read rarely mention tarot. Now the Ouija board is a hot topic and most enthuiests claim it opens a portal to h**l or at the least is communication with ghosts with negative attitudes. this is of  course only speculation and a view I do not hold but personally I would stay away from discussing the tarot. But the decision is yours of course.

    Many paranormal researchers experiement with the Ouija board to determine for themselves if it is a useful too or not while other researchers are too afraid to go near it.

    The copy of the Ghost Hunter's Guidebook I have by Troy taylor says it is not evil nor demonic but not a reliable tool for ghost hunting either.

    I reccomend the books and websites below fo further study.

    I agree with the other answerer who suggested you hold off forming your own club right now and join one already in existance. Go to and search the ghost trackers in your area.

    Just another line of thought many Christians say that just being interested in the paranormal attracts evil spirits. You do not believe so great but many do and would argue the point with you.  Just try attending any hard core Pentecostal church and mention the paranormal and see how they react.

    Usually when discussing divination methods most paranormal researchers do not say it is evil or attracts evil spirits they merely state each person should experiement for themselves and make up their own mind.

  5. You must be psychic to be able to properly read the tarot cards.  Without psychic ability they are just playing cards. Psychics can read tea leaves and moles on the body among other things but again without having a psychic ability they are just what they are.

  6. A proper Tarot deck is embedded with the users energy. The cards are to be stored, often wrapped in a cloth, and/or in a box made from a non-conductor like wood. Other people should generally not be allowed to handle the cards. This is all so outside energies do not affect the "reading" and the cards keep the spirit energy of the reader. Thus in this way they are an assisted form of clairvoyance or a tool to enhance the latent psychic ability.

    Personally I consider them an occult tool as well and would not consider owning a deck either.

  7. Its just a tool for a psychic to use, each psychic has there own divination tool they use when they give readings

    The tarot deck is the most popular and a great way to practice for the novice. . Some people prefer crystal gazing which is a form of scrying and its a different form of divination however its a tool.

    It depends each  psychic is different on what they prefer to use for readings. Personal choice.

    However the tarot deck, or crystal balls have no powers, its just a deck of cards and a crystal ball.  

    Its like a carpenter he uses a hammer to nail in nails, the hammer has no special power its just a hammer. However the carpenter is able to create objects with both nail and hammer.

  8. Well first of all, I should address your concern with tarot being an occult tool. No, tarot is a pack of playing cards and now has rather a well documented history. They were created in the mid 15th century by adding an extra suit of picture cards to the existing playing cards - the latin suits were the first to be used in Europe. The pack was commissioned by the Duke of Milan as part of the celebrations for his daughter's marriage into the Sforza family. The new cards took as their theme, not an occult philosophy or any magical symbols but a traditional Christian triumph procession. Hence they were called trionfi, meaning triumphs, and from which we get our word trump - it was the invention of tarot that marked the invention of trumps in card games. While some of the cards look a little strange and exotic to our eyes, they were all staples of Christian art of the time.

    The games of tarot spread quickly and at one time tarot was the most popular form of card game throughout continental Europe! These games are still played in many countries, albiet, usually with a French suited tarot pack.

    Without an occult origin, divination with tarot cards is no different to divination with regular playing cards, tea leaves, or knuckle bones. Those 78 pieces of card with ink on them don't know anything - if you believe in divination, then you must look to the tarot reader for the special powers that must be involved.

    If you want to find out about the games, then you can find rules and images of the cards used to play them here:

  9. I'm no expert by any means, but I did use cards for a while, and I don't think you have to have gifts in order to use them. You just need to know your cards. Though I do know a few "psychics" (in quotes only because I don't particularly like that word) who add their own insights and things gained from intuition along with the cards. They're just a tool and they can be used by anybody.

  10. I once worked for a company and one of the products that we sold were Tarot Cards. Lots of different decks. I had a woman who was a regular customer and she was a collector of many different decks. One day she was in and I asked her if she really believed in what she read from the decks that she used. I could tell that she was a really bright gal. She said to me that she did not really believe that she could tell the future with these things but the readings got her to think about things that she never would have, had she not used the cards. I thought that this was a very intelligent answer. Hey don't worry about all the evil spirits jazz.  Good Luck  Bob

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