
Are taurus men obsessed with their mates?

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any taurus boy ive been with or know thinks their "boys" are everything? and its ruined every relationship ive had wif em.




  1. Yes.  Jealous and possessive beyond belief.  Would keep them locked up in a tower if he could.

  2. No, they are just EXTREMELY LOYAL.

    Actually I dont understand your question . . .

    But im tryng

  3. I'm unclear about your question. I 'think' you mean to say that Taurus men are obsessed with their guy friends? If that is what you are asking, then I agree. I've been married to a Taurus for a long time and he is definitely focused on being with his friends.

    In my husband's case, I do think it has to do with the fact that he has Mercury, Venus, and other planets in conjunction in Gemini. He has always been scattered in so many directions with his hobbies and interests.

    I learned to see the silver lining. I let him do his thing and it gives me so much freedom to do things I want to do. Since I'm very independent, the freedom for both of us has worked out well for our relationship.

  4. I know a Taurus.  Very talkative, very annoying, always has to be right, always has to be the center of attention, always has to speak to the same person 3-4 times a day, very stubborn.

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