
Are taxpayers going to have to support Sarah Palin's conceived out-of-wedlock grandkid?

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Neither of the parents can support themselves, let alone a baby. What is the difference between this and having a kid on welfare....either way the taxpayers are footing the bill.




  1. No we won't.

    First you have no way of knowing what you claim.

    Second, the way you can tell how these kids will handle this poor decision is from the fact that they chose not to kill the baby for their own convience.

    They'll be fine if we can keep Liberals away from them.

  2. Doubtful...she knows who the father is.

    If nothing else, maybe she could sell the baby to Brad and Angelina.  I'm sure Alaska is just like a foreign country to them.

    She has the support of her family, and they have the means to help, so there's no need for you or anyone else to pitch in.

  3. Sarah will turn it down.  Just like the bridge to nowhere. No welfare for her daughter or grandchild.  

  4. No the grand  parent have money, but I dont know who is caring for their 5month old baby with downs.  I cant understand who is caring for the chidren of Palin if she is so busy in office

    You are right

  5. Have you consider that perhaps their families will help them support their baby? You know nothing about her child or the father of the baby, so I don't think it's really fair to assume that Sarah Palin's child will be like a welfare baby.

  6. NO. It is not your business so but out. Peace

  7. Sarah Palin already announced she & her husband would be helping them financially.

  8. No, the father will get a job and support his family.

    After all, we're talking about Palin's grandchild, not Obama's.  In a few years, no doubt, Obama's kids will start pumping out welfare babies every year.

  9. did they support Obamas momma? she was an unwed mother who pregnant at 17.

  10. Yes!!!

  11. Good grief.  If she were a man running for this job with a house full of kids he'd have good family values.  It's getting old so leave it alone.

    By the way I plan on voting for Obama, but it's nice to see the GOP running a woman for VP.

  12. No...Republicans aren't freeloaders. We leave that to Dems.

  13. It's fine if you are republican...

  14. Nope because the rest of the family is going to help and support them... :/ they won't need welfare...  

  15. New Bristol Palin underage drinking pics surface

    fetal alcohol syndrome risk....?

    Baby's father says "I'm a mother fu c king redneck and I don't want kids"..

    Edit: person below, Obama's mother was an 18 year old college student.

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