
Are teachers at university any better than in school?

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Cos so far the ones I 've had really have sucked..

Do you get treated a bit more grown up there??

Not being rude to all teachers but the ones in schools do seem, like third rate and I was just wondering if the better ones are snapped up by unis




  1. What do you mean they seem like third rate? Do they seem to seriously lack passion for the subject they are teaching? Or do they lack the ability to clearly explain the subject they are teaching, making you more confused than ever? Are they rude to you, or do their teaching methods make the class boring and hard not to sleep through?

    I have experienced all the above in a university setting, and some professors displayed more than one of the above negative attribute.

    There is an upside and a downside to being a student in each setting. From my experience, it seems that when you are under 18, teachers take more time to get to know you personally and take an interest in how you are doing all around, not just in their class. At the university level, some professors don't have much interest in teaching or mentoring - their love is in the research projects of their subject, and teaching is just something they "have to" do.

    So, the bottom line is that no generalization can be made - there are good teachers at university, there are great ones, and there are lousy ones. You can control yourself - be a great student, and that will certainly help you make the most of things.

  2. Generally found to be a pretty mixed bunch at both levels of education. Of course the one is intended to form the foundation for the other.

    You might find yourself being treated as more of an adult if you put aside disgusting remarks such as your first supplemental.

    Some teachers do lose their spark when faced with a thankless, rowdy bunch on a daily basis where the efforts they have expended over a number of years, to become teachers, are obviously thought of as a waste of time by the very people they are supposed to be helping towards knowledge and skill. You are being rude to all teachers so please do not preface your comment about 'third rate' with such a sad, non imaginative phrase.

  3. Not really, at uni they simply don't care if you pass or fail.

    At school they generally work their rocks off to get you through your exams (which in turn is why they are usually so grumpy)

    At uni if you don't turn up, don't do your work they aren't fussed they simply fail you without asking any questions.

  4. If your experience is anything like mine, the best teachers you will ever have are at primary school.

    You go to secondary school and, if you are lucky, you are taught by one or two teachers who still care about imparting knowledge.

    Once you get to further education, none of the tw*ts give a sh*t. They are just there for the money and the easy life. Your learning is all down to you.

    Sorry to break it to you, but your best teachers are probably behind you.

  5. Generally speaking, uni professors do, indeed, treat you more as adult. They assume you will study when necessary and will not waste time exhorting you to do so, or waste time on students who don't do so on their own. The better professors assign reading material and then lecture on other material, so you'll need to attend lectures and do the reading to do well on exams.

    As to "better", well, that depends on how you learn. Some are better, some are not, but those categories are not the same people for everyone.

  6. Uni lecturers are in general much better qualified in their subject than their school counterparts. On the other hand school teachers are trained in motivating 'difficult' pupils and try to make their lessons interesting and accessible to a broad spectrum of ability groups. At Uni it is assumed you have achieved a level of maturity and ability and that you are self-motivated to learn. The transition from school to Uni is a rite of passage where you assume the responsibility for your learning success-or failure!

  7. teachers at school are not as qualified as university teachers. School teachers have a standard degree whereas university teachers have a phd and years of relevant work experience.

  8. When I was at college and uni the teachers were referred to as tutors and we called them by their first name. As you're not there as a child you're not treated as one.

    My teachers at school were very disrespectful towards pupils, and seem to have stupid obsessions with whether you were wearing your tie correctly or whether your earrings were acceptable - all kinds of ridiculous things. They were weird.

  9. Yes, its completely different.

    You are treated as an adult at college/uni.

    Not the school kid treatment you get at school.

    If you dislike school for its control, you will like uni (if you can organise and motivate yourself)

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