
Are teachers protected?

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My English teacher once told me that she had scolded a student who then went to the head and said that she had been giving sexual suggestions to him... she said this kind of thing can happen quite often. What I'm wondering is - does it really? And in the event that it does, is there some contract that "protects" teachers or is it basically their word against the student? It's things like this that put me off wanting to be a teacher in the future...




  1. Teachers always need to be aware of their "problem" students, and when necessary, document everything..before a problem occurs. This type of allegation would be investigated. Never have a student alone in your room with the door closed. Have student conferences scheduled so there is always another student around..not directly listening, but close by.

    Never make suggestive remarks, even if you think you are joking, in the class or to another student, and not in front of colleagues. If you are ever accused, your colleagues and principal will have your past actions to base the validity of the threat.

  2. Even if a teacher is not guilty, just the fact they have been accused will ruin their career forever.

  3. Teachers' union power is strong in the rust belt.  I am sure you would do fine if you wanted to live in Michigan or Ohio.  

  4. Well first of all, someting like that usually happens in front of a class of 30, so unless all 30 would be willing to lie, then no water.

    But yes, teachers are protected by unions. No union would allow a teacher to be fired for un-verifiable reasons.

    Teachers still hold the power to "spank" in certain districts. From what I understand.

  5. This type of thing can happen, but you can prevent things like this by making sure you are never alone in a room with a student.  Always have an adult witness when you speak to a child on his or her own and it won't be an issue.

  6. No, there is no protection. I have had such experience. The best thing is to get a lawyer as soon as possible and sue those who made such accusations. Make the suite high enough to really hurt the scum who made such false accusations.

  7. It really depends if the story the student gives is believable. Also a head in this situation would take into account how trustworthy the student is. Otherwise the head has to look into it legally.  

  8. This is why you never, ever are alone with any student.


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