
Are teenage boys intimidated by independent, non-girly-girls?

by Guest59360  |  earlier

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I'm not ugly or anything. My face is normal looking and I have a good body (cross country), but I'm quite independent. I don't see the need to be in a constant relationship and feel that I can hold my own perfectly fine. I guess I'd consider myself a bit of a punky tomboy with girly tendencies. Although I don't mind being single, it would be nice to have a date to homecoming without having to ask him myself. I'm tired of doing that. They always go with me and we have a great time, but what's up with them not asking me? Does the fact that I don't flirt (flirting is so dumb) have anything to do with it?




  1. My daughter fits the description and she says yes usually.

  2. I truly believe that it is true that boys want girly girls that are submissive instead of a strong smart girl  

  3. actually, those are the only girls i am attracted to.

    but then again, i am 20, not a lot older than a teenage boy, but no longer a boy nonetheless

  4. I prefer independent girls, but it's good to have some girly-girl tendencies.

  5. i dont like girly girles so i dont have a prob with it  

  6. Char L got it right.  The majority of boys/guys/men want a feminine, submissive girly-girl.  And there's nothing wrong with that.  It makes guys feel more there's a true difference between the sexes.

    Guys likely don't approach you because you come off as unapproachable.  It's the invisible energy you send out that guys pick up on.

  7. I'll go with you ;-)

    sorry, that sounded kind of creepy

    oh, and as an after thought is your name based on the Gogol Bordello song?

  8. Girly-girls are annoying as ****, they ***** about everything and want everything their way.  I like chicks that are down to earth and just chill.

  9. I know how you feel, cause I am not a girly girl either. At my school all the guys want is a flirty girl who is like a trained pet. I don't know if it's like that everywhere else but oh well.  Maybe one day guys will learn to appreciate a girl who can actually think for herself.  

    Good luck with a date for homecoming and hopefully you find the guy that wants to go with you.

  10. I prefer those type of girls like you, who are more to themselves, with values and are smarter. But more guys prefer girls that are really girly, and who give into anything. Simply because those girls are probably easier to score with!

    You got values, and you care about yourself to not let any guy take advantage and that is really good.

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