
Are teenage pregnancies the result of good family values?

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Don't you get it? THIS IS SARAH PALIN'S DAUGHTER. The woman is running for VP as a VERY conservative candidate. She is against s*x ed, against women's choice to abort, she wants to teach creationism in the public schools. A woman like this has all of these "good moral" values, and yet her daughter is having s*x before marriage, babies out of wedlock, etc. What kind of values? By the way, I'm not against premarital s*x - I just think that this woman, Sarah Palin, is a BIG FAT HYPOCRITE.




  1. wow i did not know that

  2. I dont think this is as worse as Democrat John Edwards cheating on his wife while she is battling cancer.  

  3. It happens a lot Luckily young Ms. Palin's family is supportive. It will be rough for her being so young, but with the love and support of her family she will get thru. Yes, THAT is family values--dealing with obstacles. What I have no respect for are teens who get repeatedly pregnant with 3,4,5 different fathers then expect society to foot the bills.

  4. Bad family values and bad upbringing

  5. As you can see, teaching abstinence is nearly ineffective, because it isn't realistic.

    I won't see 'bad' family values caused this, because parents can only do so much.  HOWEVER-poor judgment and placing too much importance on religion are pressing her into marrying someone she more than likely does not love, and will probably divorce 5 years from now.  

    You never marry for because of a child, you marry because you want to.

  6. ah... not usually.  17 isn't as bad as brits sister at what 15?

  7. Teenagers are horny.  That's how this happened.  

  8. Teenage pregnancies are the result of raging hormones.

  9. s*x makes this happen--unprotected s*x--like most teens--thinking it'll never happen to me--kind of thinking.

    Family values only represent so far--and then life takes over--hormones-love--urges--and mistakes.

    The black community has THE HIGHEST UNWED MOTHERS rate of any group of Americans, including BO's mom. And she was white-and so he's just as much a white man as he is black. So why did he decide to be black? Answer me that?

  10. So much for abstinence only education.

  11. She just might love this guy,mom.So can you for give her in this difficult time.I`m sure none of us ever made mistakes in our lives.HA

  12. You are right!  We never had premarital pregnancies when we were kids, what is this world coming to?

  13. you cant  baby sit a 17 year old girl. family values can only go so far. personal responsibility is up to the individual person. good for her for marrying the father and trying to keep with the family unit.  

  14. Absolute not!!!

  15. That is very wrong in my opinion.

  16. I never had the chance to ask Britney Spear's little sister.


  17. no

    its a result of some1 cants close there legs

    and some1 cant keep it in his pants


  18. I know. It's so sad. our country is failing miserably, and if we don't get our act together... it will be bad

  19. Lets not condemn someone for something I am sure MANY people have done themselves.. Yes maybe she should have used some sort of birth control but.................... maybe she was on it... Nobody knows but them.... DO NOT JUDGE OTHERS when you DONT have all the facts!

  20. Hard to know, but it can be a sign of, well, um, hill rat behavior.  Remember Huckabee getting in a bit of a possum stew with getting his son off the hook a few years back for, I believe, was torturing animals?

  21. Shouldn't this be in the Pregnancy and Parenting topic?

  22. s*x made this happen and it's none of our business. Is she running for President?

  23. She brings traditional whiskey tango values. "Hey darling, go run to the store and get mama a pack of Pall Malls and a six pack of Natty Light."  

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