
Are teenagers always angry?

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My 13 year old son seems to either be angry or upset most of the time.we have a stable home life,no major problems.I had always heard puberty was like this for boys,but I had not dealt with this before.Are anyone Else's teens like this?He does have ADD and takes strattera,but he was like this before the meds as well.Thanks.




  1. My daughter is 12 and she is always angry. She was the sweetest little girl then BAM she turned into a terror. It is the age and the hormones. That is the toughest time of adjustment. Keep loving and keep the stability and in a couple years he will be back to normal.

  2. I have a 17yr old and for as long as I can remember now she has been moody and almost impossible to live with I couldnt get a proper assessment for her in the uk and I still have probs with her yet good luck

  3. I don't have a teenager yet! But I do have a 19 year old sister and she is alway's angry and crys sometimes. Most of it is puberty maybe he likes a girl but don't know how to talk to her or maybe he did but she said that she don't like him that way.

  4. Teenage years are very tough. A lot of factors make it more difficult. If a child is an only child or has few siblings his age, it can make him/her more desperate to get away from their family because their parents "just don't understand". The pressures of public or private school can also ad difficulties to the mix.

    Largely, homeschooled children handle their adolescence with much more grace because they aren't surrounded by other kids putting down their parents and telling them how "lame" they are. I'd be supportive, tell him that you're there for him. Make sure his Dad is talking to him and being open with him (especially about issues like the marital act, drugs, etc.)

    I'd get to know his friends. I'd be worried if he were hanging out with bad crowds because that can really hurt a child at such a tender age. Good luck. I'm sure it can't be easy!

  5. well if ur a teen u start 2 hang out with friends more than family

  6. don't worry about it all teens go through the same thing

    when i was that age everything botherd me and i always had an attitude but its part of being a teenager dont worry but talk to him and try to have a gud relationship with each other

    gud luck  

  7. Most teenager at this stage experience feeling of insecure ,mixed feeling (wanted to be love) & want u to shown love & concern but no asking their whereabout,or control their behaviour. they wanted to be treated & be respected as like a adult(man) not a child(boy) & wanted to have more Privacy & wanted to be independant.They wanted to hanged out with their friends & Prefer no more parents following them around. even chances of hanging around with family gathering is getting lesser. They're afraid that their friends will laugh at them being mommy's boy i.e. if they still stick too close to family. particularly, they want recognition from their own group of friends & wanted to be included in their 'teenager' activities.  

    Don't worried this is 'cause the hormones is creating confusion to the boys, the boys are growing to be an 'adult' - change of vocal,moustach, pimples ...

    no guidebook or any guiding angels to help them through this process, so as parents ,we try to be understanding, just listen,established gd communication, have patience... let them know that we are there for them whenever they need us.  

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