
Are temperature changes paranormal?

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I mean if the air around you is one temperature and suddenly it changes.




  1. That is a subjective statement actually; I suppose if you perceive it that way and that is your indication that there is activity going on then take it as such.

    I know I personally tend to feel the air get warmer in the midst of activity --- once so much to the fact that it was like 35-40 degrees outside and raining and I was stripping off all my outside gear.

  2. Not nessessarily. Many things can cause temperature changes, such as drafts.

    If you give more information on whats going on when the temperature changes then we might be able to help you more.

    However, to answer your question, No. Temperature changes alone are not paranormal.

  3. Not normally.

    But if you're talking about Ghost Hunters, yes it appears that disembodied spirits use ambient heat to power their physical activities.

  4. Well that is a very vague question.  If you are in an area that has a controlled temperature and the temp changes (+-) 20 degrees and you are absolutely sure that there are no drafts or windows open then some people say that it can be a "ghost" or "spirit" trying to gain enough energy to do something or manifest itself.

    The problem with saying a temp change or cold spot is a ghost is that there is really no proof of it.  You can't see it or touch it although you can prove there is a cold spot with equipment you can't prove what it is.

    Is this temp change the only thing happening?  Do other things happen when the temp changes?  Can you follow the temp change to a vent or window or door?  These are the types of questions you need to investigate.  You have to try to determine for yourself what is causing the change in temp.  I could be as simple as your senses fooling you that there is a temp change if you are not using equipment to test the temp.

    Hopefully this helps you but it will probably leave you with more questions than answers.

  5. Absolutly they are.What else could it be?There's no natural explanation.There's a paranormal explanation for everything.As long as your smart enough to look for it.And that takes a special kind of intelligence.

  6. Many people associate (because of reports) cold spots with paranormal activity. So, there is a correlation between reports of other activity and cold spots.  However, the experience of temperature change can be very subjective so this may well be people's experience without the air temperature changing. Unfortunately most paranormal investigators use infra red temperature guns to measure this phenomena. Those guns have to contact something (besides air) to take a reading so the floor, wall, ceiling, etc. in the area gets measured not the air.

    Of course normal things like the the central air kicking on and you being in the path of the vent have to be eliminated by careful observation and reporting of where those normal sources are located in relation to the person having the experience.

    If indeed you were inside a house, eliminated normal explanations, and the air dropped 30 degrees within a 5 foot circle, and you could accurately measure this, and no where else and the temperature remained stable outside that would be hard to explain.

    Michael John Weaver, M.S.

  7. They can be but not always. I have seen temperature changes that I consider paranormal. I was at an ancient grave yard way out in the country, no power poles or anything that could cause a difference in drastic changes and the ambient temperature was 103 and I stood in a spot that was very cold and the temperature there was 50 degrees.

    When a change is that drastic for no apparent reason then I say it is paranormal.

    A five or ten degree change is not paranormal though.

  8. Did you check your thermostat, or see if there was a thermologic or atmospheric change to cause the sudden temperature difference?

    This is not to discount a paranormal phenomenon, just to say that you should rule out physical causes before you jump to confusions.

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