
Are tenants of an Apartment building responsible for fire extinguisher fill up..?

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so we had a small grease fire and we couldnt get to the baking soda so we ran to the nearest fire extinguisher in the building..we used it even though it hadnt been inspected in a year and a half and the superintendents are making us pay for fill up...theres no smoke alarms in my place already is any of this right??




  1. It is right since you caused the fire.  However, it IS the landlord's responsibility to provide smoke detectors per fire code and for routine annual servicing of extinguishers.

  2. Most household type extinguishers don't have to be inspected but every 3 years and sometimes 5 years.  You discharged the unit, so technically you should be required to refill it.  Check your lease for information regarding extinguishers and also smoke detectors.  If the landlord is in default, you could probably get them to pay for the refill by simply pointing out where they have violated the lease.  Good luck to you and I'm glad the fire wasn't worse.

  3. It's mean of the landlord to make you pay.  he should have smoke alarms, too.  But you used the extinguisher and you have to refill it.

  4. NOPE, it violates law NOT to have smoke detectors, and most localities require annual or biennial inspections.

    Request that LL put detectors in immediately.

    However, you used a building fire extinguisher and could reasonably be asked to replenish it.  It is irrelevant whether it had been inspected or not.  It worked, you depleted it, you replenish it.  It is relevant that you were at fault here, it was your grease fire, not LLs, you used extinguisher and now you're hollering about the LL's responsibility.  You are also liable for any damage to your apartment or others, smoke, scorching, damage to stove, etc.

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