
Are tennis shoes allowed in Pubs/Restaurants in Ireland?

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Are tennis shoes allowed in pubs/restaurants in Ireland? My family and I will be site seeing all day long and want to know if we'll be allowed into the pubs and/or restaurants wearing our comfortable tennis shoes at night.




  1. yes

  2. yes tennis shoes are perfectly acceptable in 100% of pubs and probably 95% of all restaurants (except the really classy joints)

  3. You will never be denied entry in to a pub/restaurant in Ireland for wearing tennis shoes.  The only places that may have a dress code are the very upscale restaurants in larger cities like Dublin.

  4. Just to clarify we have a no smoking law in all pubs, restaurants and workplaces.  

    Tennis shoes are acceptable everywhere except in high class restaurants.  They are not always acceptable in discos!

    Enjoy your trip

  5. We dont have laws about footware in public. Only really posh places in Cities and big towns have dress codes but 99% of pubs and restauranuts dont really care what you wear as long as you wear something

  6. Er... are you expecting there to be some kind of national law about footwear in public eating establishments? It depends on the pub/restaurant! Some won't mind, some might. Pubs will probably be easier going than restaurants.

    To be absolutely certain, you could each take a change of footwear with you. But Ireland is a pretty laid back place.

  7. We went to Ireland in 2003, and had no problem wearing tennis shoes pretty much everywhere!  Most pubs are rather casual anyway, and with a lot of smoking and fairly poor lighting as I remember- but the food was quite good!  I hope you have fun with your trip!

  8. As long as your not in a golf-club it's okay!

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