
Are terrapins good as pets?

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Are Terrapins Good as pets? could anyone give me any information on them? =]




  1. o god no! we used to have terrapins n gladly gave them away!.. they do nothin but stink up the place rly bad!! ur better off wit a goldfish, they do more..

  2. Not really, pretty boring and many carry salmanella.

  3. Personaly i would NOT have them. They are not the sweetest smellig creatures and no matter how often you change the water it makes no difference. They grow pretty big too, and there aren't many places willing to take them in these days. The tank needs wet and dry areas, and the list goes on, do some research and find a reptile with an easier care regime and one that gives back to you a bit more.

  4. HI, I have kept terrapins and i dont recomend them as good pets, They smell really bad and dont do much at all, sometimes they even bite, Hear is some info

    These creatures need ALOT of care. They have very specific environmental and dietary needs. Food can often be expensive, prawns, terrapin specialised food, and snacking on lettuce aswell.

    We seem to be forever cleaning him out, because if he doesnt eat all his food, it simply floats about, dirtying the tank, and producing a vile stench that fills the house.

    Aswell as this, you seem to never get any affection with it, it's not an animal you can take out and pet, that will paw at you with big wide eyes. instead you seem to slave after it in some respects and not get any appreciation!!

    A large factor to consider is how long they live aswell, they can go up to 20 yrs, and probably beyond, so make sure you realise this when purchasing.

    They aren't cheap, but what animals really are these days, it's part and parcel of taking on board a pet, but you must ensure you research terrapins before going out and splashing the cash on one, they need rocks within the tank so they can crawl out of the water and sit themselves in the rays of the heat coming from the light etc etc!

    I hope this little insight will help some of you  

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