
Are the 2-blade Rage expandable Broad-head a good Broad-head to use when hunting.?

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My dad just got some and I was wondering how good they where.




  1.   The rage head has under went massive advertising to create massive sales. It is no better or no worse then most other mechanical heads that have rearward deployment of the blades. The 2 blade head seems to be the preferred choice of most buyers. The good points of the blades are- massive holes and blood loss causing quick kills, accurate, needs no pass through to create a blood trail- the entry wound is so large, a passthrough is not needed, the bad points are the three blade is getting a reputation for not fully opening up,both sometimes open in flight, some quivers cause them to open up in the quiver, when hitting bone such as the shoulder, penetration is very limited. The bottom line is on a well placed shot, any broadhead will kill a deer, but when the shot goes astray a little bit, a sharp fixed blade head when shot out of a well tuned bow will penetrate through and through both deer shoulders (sometimes) though not always. But even so, I'm a little curious to shoot a deer with one myself.

  2. 2 blade will always have deeper penetration than those of the 3 or 4 variety.  

  3. Rage seems to be taking over a significant share of the market for expandable broadheads, and broadheads in general.

    You may hear some tales of failure to deploy blades on them, but in my personal experience I have not had a broadhead failure with the Rage heads.  I shoot the 3 blades, and have had clean pass throughs on whitetails.

    They are a fine product, and do fly very much like your field tips so no tuning is necessary to transition from the target to the hunting woods.

  4. I love the rage 2 blade. work very well on deer. If you are familiar with the name Chuck Adams, you'll find he uses them on elk with great success. The draw back is they are costly. About 40 a 3/pack. I did see that Rocky Mt. have a similar design for 10 bucks less. Currently that is all I use. They worked well every time. 2 inch entry and 2 inch exit makes a good blood trail. I'm not a big fan of mech. heads but these really are more like a fixed head in the sense they don't fold back they use a slip cam design with a leading cutting edge that works. I personally shot 4 deer last year with this head and never had any deflection on impact which was why I stayed away from expandables in the past.

  5. I haven't shot expandable broad-heads, but ive heard of failures. Not so much of them not deploying, but if you shoot and to hard of an angle, they tend to ricochet and just graze your game. I'd go for a fixed blade broad head. I personally use muzzy mx-3's.

  6. I use trophy ridge steelheads, lil cheaper than the rage ones. i havent actually shot a deer with em yet but friends of mine have and really like em.

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