
Are the 31,600 scientists against GW all to be accused of "Crimes against Humanity"?

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Of the different sites offered the most "adult" or factual site is of Boatman.

Ken and Crabby (your name fits) if you can allow yourself to stoop to reading the actual project Boatman offers ......but, no ,stay the way you are. Society needs jerks to laugh at.




  1. You must be referring to that silly (long ago debunked) list of self proclaimed "scientists" which included Michael J. Fox, Dr. Frank Burns (remember MASH), and a host of other individuals who are made-up, dead, when asked don't remember signing it, or have no significant knowledge/experience at all in the field of climate science.

    A little research before posting links or claims about the OISM petition (AKA petition project) can help avoid a lot of embarrassment.*t...


  2. If we don't heed the warnings about warming, and we're wrong, we're screwed.

    However, if we heed the warnings, but global warming is a hoax, the results will be nothing more than a cleaner environment.

    It's too big a risk to bet against, because our deacendents will inherit the results  - - - what ever they are.

  3. Sounds like the beginning of a religious holy war

  4. Only if your name if James Hansen.

    Who could possibly one of the biggest morons ever to walk the earth. Compare Roy Spencer, also of NASA, to Jim Hansen. Roy Spencer served under Clinton/Gore and was told he could not give dissenting views on AGW. Even though he disagreed with the admin (Al Gore's) position, he never came out publicly against until after he quit (because of the censorship).

  5. No.  First off, they're not all scientists.  They're just people with bachelor's or higher degrees in any scientific field.  Personally, I don't care what a dentist thinks about global warming.

    Secondly, they're entitled to their opinions, no matter how wrong they might be.

  6. You don't need to be a scientist with climate written in the name someplace to have an effective voice.

    Canada's top agw dude is a scientist who specializes in fruit flies.  His qualifications are zilch!

  7. I casually scanned the list and found one that was a veterinarian.  Sorry that is not a "scientist" with expertise in global warming.  Additionally since those names cannot be verified, nor can we prove they actually signed the petition we cannot charge them with anything even if we wanted to.

  8. There are no scientists "against global warming." That list is a fake--and you are very gullible.

    The reason there are no scientists against global warming is that (man-made) global warming is a proven fact. There are no "lists." NO "debate." No "different theories."  Just a fact that will not change simply because you want it to.

    That is called reality. Something people have to accept when they are adults. So grow up.

  9. Well I find it more interesting that all the scientist's listed in the IPCC document are protesting the conclusions section that they claim if a political statement with no scientific support. Only the 60 some that signed the conclusion paper support it, that is less than 3 percent of all the recognized scientist's listed in the main document that shows no temperature variations That tare out of line with historical data. These are the same scientist's that forced NASA to admit that the 1930s were noticeably warmer than the last 15 years no matter how much bunk the AGW promoters pump out.

    We have been there and survived worse warming than we faced then so why buy into the con now when we are apparently heading back into a 50s temperature range.

  10. Yes-- try to debunk it-- here is a quote from the website:

    There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the earth's atmosphere and disruption of the earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the earth."

    Robinson noted roughly 35 new signatures are added to the petition every day. Signers include more than 40 members of the National Academy of Sciences. Theoretical physicist Freeman Dyson and atmospheric physicist Richard Lindzen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are among the prestigious scientists who have signed the petition. Frederick Seitz, the first president of the National Academy of Sciences, signed before his death in early March."

    and the Michael J Fox noted in the signatures is NOT the actor.

    From the website:

    "In a group of more than 30,000 people, there are many individuals with names similar or identical to other signatories, or to non-signatories – real or fictional. Opponents of the petition project sometimes use this statistical fact in efforts to discredit the project. For examples, Perry Mason and Michael Fox are scientists who have signed the petition – who happen also to have names identical to fictional or real non-scientists."

    and the actual website is here:

  11. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

  12. No, but they should be prosecuted for PERJURY!

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