
Are the American Girls Gymnastic being score right?

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I can't believe that the Chinese girls are scoring higher points and are making more mistakes then the American girls. Am I the only one feeling this way?




  1. I actually agree with you. Up until right now, when she just took the lead... I agree with you that they are being judged unfairly. The little "16" year old Chinese girl made numerous mistakes on her beam performance, and she got a high score.

    I just dont think something is right with the judges.

    To team USA!

  2. Look at the page.No,you're not the only one who feels that way.

  3. Yes, I totally agree. Even so though, Liukin is in 1st and Shawn in 3rd respectively heading into the last event. That Chinese girl in 2nd was way overscored on the beam.  

  4. i totally and completely agree with you im not saying that the chinese men didnt deserve there medals but i just dont believe on the women's part that the US girls were scored and are being scored fairly. the chinese are makin more mistakes an not getting deducted for this even the comentators are sayin this.

    alot of ppl are talkin about how americans are whinning about things becuz the chinese are better but i think those ppl need to shut up cause americans just want fairness cause they kno an i kno that the womens gymnastic team deserved that gold medal and shud have got it too.

  5. Nope! You're not the only one, even Tim Dagett feels the same way!(and he's strict) but they just FINALLY gave Nastia a high score mostly because they had no choice.

  6. The American girls are getting screwed big time.  It's clear that the Chinese are cheating both with the judging and the use or under aged team members.  It's a freaking joke.  I hope the IOC steps in and clears house.

  7. watching it now and it is complete bs the chinese girl clearly did horrible on the beam and scored a 15.7 while making many mistakes. its rigged and annoying.

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