
Are the American Patriots fully happy over the Cultural trends prevailing in the present America?

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If the genuine Patriots say O.K,

then there must be a great meaning .

Question dated:

Tues,Feb19,2008, 12:37 A.M




  1. I am not patriotic. But I am glad at this time and place that we are able to speak freely of our spirutal beliefs. But I think if we get one of these democratis in office that right may be taken away. I think they are pretending they are going to give more freedom, but in actuality they are disguizeing what they intend to do. They will try to take freedom of religion and speach away more and more. They will try to control our medical choices, I feel the democrats are actually trying to control more than people understand. I think it will just be one step away from comunism, if one of the two demonscrzys get in office. I think Bush has done the best he knows how and has gotten a bad wrap. I think he cares to the best of his abiltiy. He has made many strides. I feel the last president Clynton is the one who set up this mess for our nation. Now they are thinking of putting Him in office again that is what they will be doing> you can't seperate the husband from the wife. So together they will make another big mess if she gets elected. If they pull out our troups, this nation will be in more danger than they are already in. They are in no way qulaified to run a country. That just proves our people are in general cheaters if they pick them. Cheaters and the cheated. Frankly there is no real culutre in America. It is watered down menting pot of cultures. People in general  loose their real culture when they come here.I prefer the Original Vedic Culture.

  2. The hedonism and abortion and g*y marriage andquikie divorce and racism towards immigrants and untrustworthy politicians and spoiled children and drug 'culture and alcoholism and pornography,etc?

    No,NO No

    but most other  countries seem to have even worse problems

    We do not have open persecution of religion, or 'religious" and ethnic wars, Sharia punishments,dictatorships,etc

    and most countries seem to have the same USA problems I listed above

  3. America is not a perfect country.  But there is no place I'd rather be.

  4. How are you defining "American Patriots"?   My feeling of patriotism and how I display it can be totally different than how my sister exhibits her sense of patriotism.  However, my focus is to participate in activities, and provide my services in ways that will benefit our global population.  Selfishness, and greediness, and tunnel vision are not positive.  I approach life with an open heart, and optimism.  A smile can be a valuable gift.

  5. Have not met any American Patriots in here, Have met few American Patriots out in the slave world of trendy fashion. A Patriot does not concern him/herself over the opinions of slaves.

  6. Americans are Patriots

    The real Patriots fought in many different wars, just so we could have the right to s***w America up

  7. I thought America has only one culture --Dollar culture and every one is unaninous .

    Nothing has changed on this count

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