
Are the American and Chinese race's interested in reducing carbon emissions ?

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Its just that here in the UK the news always says that USA and China doesant want to comply with reducing CO2 emissions and wants to carry on driving gas guzzlers and using aeroplanes for internal short journeys. Is this correct? DO you care about the future climate?




  1. Its NOT just the UK, its most of the Western world, and don't forget to include Austrailia with the USA and China

  2. Study plant photosynthesis and give the plants credit for what they have done...

  3. No, they are concerned with putting food in their mouths and money in their pockets like we were when we started the industrial revolution.

    You can't blame them and it is hypocritical to.

  4. They aren't any worse than the UK's petrolguzzlers or coal burning power plants.

  5. Of course they won't comply.

  6. Here in the USA, the news says that the UK never checks their facts before reporting it as news.  It also says the UK News thrives on sensationalism.

    Take a look around your own country at the smoke stacks that belch out black pollutants into the environment.  That isn't fog, baby.

  7. Well of course, Euro-media is h**l bent on providing a thoroughly slanted view of reality. The people of the US, at least many of them anyway, realize that we need to change and that is happening more and more every day, we even have a TV channel devoted to green living. I see fewer and fewer trucks and the ones that are on the road are older ones that their owners are either still paying off or just don't think they'd get anything for if they went to sell, and the ones I do see for sale don't sell or take a very long time to sell and I see many more small cars, ( I don't suppose they reported that truck and SUV sales have fallen through the floor, and manufacturers are going to be closing some plants that make them ). I see many more recycled products in the stores, a significant reduction in traffic on the roads and  more bikes, scooters, and motorcycles. I'm in construction and I see much more emphasis on insulation and energy conservation through the use of Energy Star appliances, triple glazed windows, solar collectors for hot water/ heat and to a lesser extent electric, etc.. China and India on the other hand are doing the exact opposite apparently. You are being given a very lop sided or outright false view of the world, especially where the US is concerned and I think the people of Europe should start demanding the truth, even if your media is telling you precisely what you want to hear.

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