
Are the Aussies going to start transporting all their criminals to the UK now?

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  1. There's one thing about the Aussies, they take no **** from no one, and have got the balls to say what they want , when they want, without worrying about the so called do gooders in this country, its just a shame they are bringing him back here even though hes a ex pat, i realise he has to come back here but we have enough scum bags to deal with because of an incompetent government.

  2. We do exactly the same thing. In the UK criminals are often deported back to their country of birth. After all you can't blame the Aussies for not wanting him!


    I'm sure that they will if they are not Australian Citizens.

    We should , too.

    Apparently, the Italian mentioned above isn't dangerous enough to warrant sending back

  4. They say what goes around comes around! Looks like it's payback time...

  5. Why not drop him from the plane half way between the two countries and let him decide what nationality he wants? - he would have plenty of time to think about it on the way down - but not too much as there would be no need for a parachute.

    Edit : What about this too -

    and read the last paragraph -

    "It also follows news on Wednesday that a serious s*x offender has been given the right to stay in Britain because deporting him to his native Sierre Leone would breach his human right to a family life."

    Not only should these people be deported so should those who make such decisions - but then *they* do not have to live alongside such  filth here do they?

  6. Did we not do the same to the Aussies, many years ago, umm

    The Aussies have got it right kick them out, thy don't give a S**T about human rights.

    Its just our spineless Goverment and some Judges  that won't do the same.

    Stuff thy human rights, if thyn have commited cromes the kick them out. NOW

  7. He's an ex pat Brit, Australia kick out all scum that isn't wanted, UK should do the same.

  8. Heh maybe we should do the same...hang on,.... we did that's how Australia got started isn't it ?

  9. This is a excellent example of the lying media. This man was a British national and did not have australian citizenship. I am British andi think we should do the same here.

  10. It looks like it.As if it wasn't bad enough taking on that sick individual,i am fairly sure we have also allowed another disgraced Australian criminal to live here aswell.I believe his name is Jason Donovan

  11. we don't want them back - why do you think we sent all them there in the first  place?

  12. He left Britain innocent, he came back perverse. He was a British citizen throughout. What's the problem?

  13. lol....that's just what i thought yesterday question

  14. I think its time the UK did the same thing.

    Have read the article he was never an Australian citizen

    wonder why his parents did not apply for it.

  15. What goes around !??!?!?!

  16. The UK is just a dumping ground. This government will have 'em all.

  17. History repeating itself in reverse.

  18. It's pay back time I guess..........PML:))

    t*t for Tat!

    Good Question Elric!

  19. Amazing isn't it, I remember not too long ago a judge ordered that a convicted Spaniard was not to be returned to his home country as it would be to his detriment.

    Here we are taking back a bloke who for fifty odd years has been a resident of Australia. If he emigrated there when he was 5, then it is Australia that has turned him into a pedo, not the UK.

  20. From the age of 5 to 61   I think he had plenty of time to reform if that was his desire..(Obviously not.!)..He could have taken citizenship but didn't.     I have dual nationality both British and Australian....Why should Australian taxpayers pay to keep this sort of monster whilst in prison. ???

  21. Well technically he is British Elric but hey Britain seems to be the dumping ground for all sorts doesn't it?  We will soon have more criminals and foreigners than British!!

  22. I reckon this is the beginning in them deporting all British born criminals back over here, which to be fair is a good thing to do. Unlike our government who fill our prisons with anyone one.

    I wonder how many of our prisoners were born in this country?

  23. Why don't you read the story carefully and properly and then maybe you would not ask such a silly question

  24. Getting their own back now Elric lol !

  25. Wished i lived out there they are very strict with their laws something that our goverment may learn from.

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