
Are the Brewers beating themselves this series or what?

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First Rickie Weeks, then Ryan Braun, and now Jason Kendall/Prince Fielder. The Brewers defense is killing the team.




  1. Yeah I agree that those are part of the reason why the Brew Crew is losing.  You have to remember that the Cubs are an extremely talented team that takes advantage of any mistake that a team makes.  There is no way that the Brewers would have won yesterday's game even without the defensive mistakes.  Game 1 of the series should have gone to the Brewers if it weren't for Weeks' huge mistake.  Our bats are cold right now.  If they heat up, we should be able to easily compete with the Cubs.  Keep in mind that the Cubs have the best record in the NL for a reason.  But, if we win the next 2 games, we will still have a winning record against the Cubs this season.

  2. Well that is their fault....your gonna lose if you make that many errors! They cant afford it!

  3. Welcome to the world of a Marlin fan. Good offensive players, bad defense and you can't make too many errors against the Cubs.

  4. errors are the only thing that are killing us this series.

  5. Sure.... I guess OR it could be that the Cubs are playing well. they hit Sabathia ok but, couldn't get the runs to go w/ the hits & they knocked Sheets around pretty good as well.

    I know you hate the Cubs & Cubs fans but I'm kinda disappointed that you can't give the Cubbies SOME credit.

    Eamus Catuli

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