
Are the British military bases in Cyprus due to be closed down ?

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Are the British military bases in Cyprus due to be closed down ?




  1. Highly unlikely!  In 1960, when Cyprus became independent, two Sovereign Base Areas (SBAs) at Akrotiri and Dhekelia were identified as real estate that would remain as British sovereign territory and would, therefore, remain under British jurisdiction. The three main policy objectives are: 1. Effective use of the SBAs as military bases; 2. Full co-operation with the Republic of Cyprus and 3. Protection of the interests of those resident or working in the SBAs.  These bases, covering 98sq miles, enable the UK to maintain a permanent military presence at a strategic point in the Eastern Mediterranean.  RAF Akrotiri is an important staging post for military aircraft and, in addition, the communication facilities are an important element of the UK's worldwide links!!  There are, however, also British soldiers who serve a 6-month tour with the UN Forces in Cyprus, but there's no operational link between these soldiers and the military at the SBA's.

  2. No, they're strategically too important for the middle east. GB wouldn't just close them down and miss out on that.

  3. As Chris P says, they're our toehold in that part of the Med.

    It's like giving up Gibralter.

  4. no, they're an important link in supplying middle eastern operations. Plus, the UK has a listening station their to supply intelligence to GCHQ (Government Communication Head Quarters if you were unsure)

    Have a look at wikipedia or something, it'll tell you all you need to know.

  5. Oh God, I hope not, there's a Great fish and chip shop on the Dhekelia base.

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