
Are the British or the Americans generally more receptive to Canada?

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On average, of course I'm an American who loves your country and keeps coming back like 5 times a year, making long 9-hour trips to the border.

But don't fake your answer to get 10 points, I will grade answers indifferent to viewpoint, and completely based on quality of feedback and how you back up your answers.




  1. I think that there is a lot of false information and generalizations that are going around about Canada, especially in relation to the USA. Our relationship is very close to USA, probably closer than one with UK mainly due to proximity.

    Some people feel that Canadians do not like the Americans and that we feel superior to them. But from everyone I have talked to, we Canucks have a pretty good rapport with the average American. I work with many US firms and have a great relationship with almost all of my customers in USA. I know that many respect me, just as I have great respect for them.

    Where we tend to get into trouble on both sides of the fence, is if you get to talking about subjects people feel strongly about. Politics and religion are areas to avoid, as we often have significant differing opinions on them. But keep in mind, those topics can bring up heated debates between two people in the same country!

    One thing Canadians like to do is to feel we are similar to Americans, but we don't like people telling us we are the same. We feel we have our own culture, our own beliefs as a country that are not always the same as USA.

    With the UK, I get the impression that the British feel we are the distant relative from across the pond. We respect our ancestry and heritage, and people here often consider the UK (or France) as the spring from where they originated. In UK, when I said I was from Canada, I got mixed reactions from mild interest (from people having met someone who came from so far away to visit), to a cabbie talking down to me and almost telling me that Canada should still be one of the Empire's loyal colonies.

    I'm rambling, so let me try to state my point of view in here.

    USA and Canada operate like good neighbours. We may not always agree on everything, but we seem to respect each other. Most Americans don't give too much thought to Canadians except that they are someplace "north of USA".

    UK and Canada operate more like distant cousins, who see each other at special events like Christmas, Easter, or on someone's birthday. We hug and have pleasant conversations, but rarely get into arguments or have to deal with a common problem.

  2. As a British-Canadian I'd say it's pretty equal...

  3. I think the British tend to look at canadians as feeble minded folks from the colonies.  Americans more or less accept canadians en par with fellow citizens.   Certainly northern state americans and canadians interact with each other on a day to day basis far more than brits/canadians do so know each other better.  

  4. Canada and Great Britain are very close since Canada was a British colony and remains in the British commonwealth, the Queen is still the head of state in Canada, the US is not that friendly with Canada even though we are close neighbours, Canada like many nations doesn't trust the US, that just seems to be the American way

  5. I'm also a british canadian. I'd say the Americans were more receptive. Lot's of the British thought I was American and were dissapointed I was Canadian.

  6. I'm Venezuelan, though am based in Norway...but i must  i say the British.

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