
Are the British people mad at the English soccer team?

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Were there any riots when they lost to Croatia last year?




  1. like the first person has already said, British and English are two different things

    i'm not angry ... i laughed. Football players are overpaid primaddonas

    they should try playing a real sport, Rugby Union and Rugby League

  2. No they're not mad yet... they're still in denial!

    This is mainly because they won the World Cup 32 years ago, and now think it gives them automatic qualification to every tournament forever :-)

  3. Contradiction in your question.

    Britian is far bigger than mere England. Why should the Scots or the Welsh or the Irish be concerned at what the English soccer team does.

    So England lost to Croatia - oh dear, what a shame.

  4. Football you mean and no we all know England is an Ok team but c**p compared to the best. Also England is one country withing the UK/Britain like New York is a state in USA so the rest of Britain didnt care also

  5. We do not have a soccer team here, we have a football team, and no, it doesn't really bother me one iota, and no there weren't any riots here.  What it has done is show up the fact that we do not have a "world beating team" because there are far too many foreign players in our football leagues, and not enough encouragement is given to home grown players.  This is probably down to the fact that we have quite a few foreign managers who are only interested in getting the "best players" for their teams because of the need for enormous profits for their shareholders.  The best players nowadays would appear to be the foreigners...thus it is a vicious circle and until the teams in this country start nurturing the home grown players the situation will only get worse.


    Well said Seb...give me rugby any day too...footballers are just overpaid wimps, and would probably curl up and start crying for their mummy if they took the knocks that some of the rugby players do.

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