
Are the Buffalo Bills going to move to Toronto?

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I've heard rumors to this affect, but don't have the time to pursue it. I grew up in Buffalo and I'd hate to see it happen, but Buffalo despite a great local fan following is a declining city and ever since Cleveland lost the Browns(but did get them back) I would not be shocked by any team move.




  1. i heard rumors also but idk;...

  2. no, they're not moving to Toronto because the football in Canada is different than American football

  3. i'm not 100% sure, but i wouldn't be surprised if they do. i heard they were already holding practice sessions in toronto.

  4. No.

    some canucks were already trying to keep the nfl out of canada just fo games reason being is canada makes alot of money off the CFL so it would make no sense to throw the NFL in there which would completely erase canadian football as you know it

  5. No i do not think that they are going to move to toronto. The only reason i think they wont i because they would have to turn their baseball stadium into transitonal (Qualified for football and baseball} and i dont think they have the money to move. so dont worry they are no going to move>

  6. yea, because they aint good enough to play in the U.S.

  7. there going to play a couple games there over the next couple of years then make a transition before the move completey in 2012

    so Yes

  8. No,at least not until Ralph Wilson passes on then his wife will  control the destiny of the Bills as she will be givin the option on what will happen such as keeping or selling the Organization and Relocating . however the bills are playing a few games in Toronto I think the most that will happen is they will be multi-connected meaning both toronto and buffalo will have a football team kinda like sharing so to speak  Toronto can say they have a football team finally and buffalo makes more money (-: if they relocated any where I think some one said something about california.

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