
Are the Bulgarians and Macedonians of the same ethnicity?

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Are they the same people? In the way that both Romanians and Moldovans are ethnic Romanians, and Tajiks and Iranians are ethnic Persians?




  1. I don't want to get caught up in politics but I think Macedonians are ethnic slavs, Bulgarians are ethnic turks but adopted the slavic tongue and Orthodox faith. So I guess no. But there are different opinions on this by people who really know what they're talking about so don't take my word for it.

    For sure though - the original Bulgars were most deifnently turkic. Macedonia isn't even in real Macedonia - a region of Greece. There are Bulgars (not Bulgarians) that still speak turkic, they are called Tatars (or Volga Bulgars) and live within  the Russian Federation

  2. Bulgarians are of slavic ethnicity. Bulgaria was under the Ottoman Empire for long time but Bulgarians are not turks or muslums by any means. There are Bulgarian Gypsies who speak turkish and are muslums but not Bulgarians. Macedonians could be ethnic slavs or turks. Interesting fact about Bulgarians is that two bulgarian priests in Greece created the ciryllic alphabet (I am hoping I am spelling this correctly), which is used in some of the former Soviet Union countries.

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