
Are the Bush White House Scientists Trying to Get Rich?

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By submitting their new report assessing climate change releaed under court under and stating that greenhouse gases released by human activity are very likely the leading cause of global warming?

Aren't there any reasonable people left who will stand up to these science lovers and challenge this 271 page report based on $20 billion in research with common sense and gut instinct?




  1. There might be a few "reasonable" people left to try to challenge the well established world wide understanding and acceptance of the science behind AGW concerns. Unfortunately for the remnants of the "Cult of Deniers", there are few intelligent scientists that still 'deny' AGW!  Science wins it's love by being factual,and precise. The report is many years old by now,being squashed by the oil co. and their buddy "W"!  

    The 'court order' was a victory for the whole world! Now we can stop this immature and destructive denial of accredited scientists!  

    When I was in school , the science teacher said that there was no way that God[?] would allow mere humans to travel to the Moon or other heavenly bodies.  Real science proved him wrong! Nobody still 'believes' that the moon is made of green cheese anymore. Now the rumor that AGW is a myth or a hoax to raise taxes,is suffering the same demise!

  2. Please remember, 'figures don't lie but liars can figure.'  You know the quality we get out of the white house so why even read it?

  3. A lot of people are trying to get rich, aren't they?!

  4. Oh yes, submitting reports required by law is a great get-rich-quick scheme.  Scientists are generally not in it for the money, and I don't see how you think scientists are profiting from this.

    And how could "common sense and gut instinct" possibly be more accurate than "$20 billion in research?"  Was the question actually meant to be sarcastic?

  5. "science lovers"

    snork! thats me! and i havnt felt this naughty for years....

  6. Yes, a few scientists are making good money. they are the three or four "scientists" paid by oil companies to disregard the science of global climate change and the role of humans in it.

    Thanks for the link. How brave of these Scientists to present their excellent scientific findings to the only president, so far, who has no problem firing and ruining the careers of top-notch scientists because of his political views.

  7. Yes it is stupid to believe in Global Warming.The green house gases are not there. The Left has already made lots of money.

  8. People who embrace extremist views and philosophies believe all large machines are inherently evil, and - worse - science is used to justify positions "that actually have nothing to do with science."

    These viewpoints are naive, including the oft-stated wish to return to a "Garden of Eden." How ironic, that these same people use cell phones, laptops and jet planes as the main tools of their trade.

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