
Are the Clintons going to get hit with the blame when Obama is defeated at the polls?

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Are the Clintons going to get hit with the blame when Obama is defeated at the polls?




  1. some will try.but its up to obama to win over the electorate.

  2. Yes, they secretly want Obumma all the rest of us.

  3. he isn't going to be defeated, so no need to worry.

  4. no they won't. Only Barack Hussein Obama will be responsible for Barack Hussein Obama's defeat at the polls

  5. No, they'll probably just claim the election was fixed again.

  6. I hope so. Bills legacy of womanizing, and Hillary's zest for power. If I were Obama, I would go after her.  

  7. You are absolutely correct.  They could have ended this a long time ago but they are still fighting Obama during the convention!  Bill Clinton refusing to talk on the subject of national security that was assigned to him by the party and demanding to talk on the economy.  When the democrats lose because of the Clintons their name will be mud.

  8. Possibly.  If McCain gets a significant amount of votes from former Clinton supporters, I think Hillary will get blamed for being unable to control her backers.

  9. no but I fear race riots the likes the USA has not seen since Martin Luther King was assassinated

  10. No, the democrats will demand recounts and claim voter fraud just like they always do.

  11. they should, but i dont care who they blame as long as he is defeated.

  12. Since the during the primaries - when Clinton saw the loss, she became adamant that no one from the DNC would get elected. Even at the DNC, she set the pace for the loss.

  13. No the Clintons will not - it will be those racist republicans who refuse to vote for an african american that will get the blame <rolls eyes>

  14. No, they will blame Bush like they have for everything else that has happened over the past 8 years. Forget the Congress, forget the Senate, and in this case forget the voter.

    It will be yet another "stolen" election which will cause them to not think coherently for another 8 years. When will they learn?

    You listen to their speeches and they're STILL trying to beat Bush, lol!

  15. As a Brit, who cares over here, it's all a joke, You the people of USA have no say in the matter, it's Exxon and those with clout that decide who rules,  Here we see our selves as puppy dogs of your Country thanks to Thatcher and Blair. Come on the revolution

  16. No, they just need your otherworldly ability to see the future.

    What I see in my crystal ball is Obama taking the oath of office.

  17. Of Course....The Clinton's are responsible for 9-1-1, Global Warming, The Holocaust, The War in Iraq, Extinction of the Dinosaurs and all Hurricanes (They Have a Weather Machine, really...)

  18. Maybe at first

    But then the dems will start to think

    that the Clintons are all they have left

    and will start to rally around them

    for 2012

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