
Are the Clintons quietly working behind the scenes to get McCain elected so Hillary has a chance in 4 years?

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Are the Clintons quietly working behind the scenes to get McCain elected so Hillary has a chance in 4 years?




  1. The Clintons would not remain in this phony marriage, if they did not want political power. Make no mistake, the Clintons will do anything- kill, steal or cheat to get their power back.

    Of course sHrillery does not want to wait until 2016. She will remain as Obama's worst enemy, covertly undermining, plotting and attacking anyone, including Obama, who stands in their way.  

  2. Absolutely, the law suit in Philly her not releasing her delegates, after Obama-Biden looses well revenge is a dish the Clintons know how to serve

  3. I am so tired of this election.  This c**p smacks of US Alliance and Team Advantage.  

  4. Hope so, I want Obama out, GO GETTEM HILLARY!!!! SMASH THE LIBERAL PAGAN TO THE GROUND!!!!!!!  

  5. Well with her brother meeting with McCain supporters it certainly looks like it.

    "Aug 22 : New York Senator Hillary Clinton's youngest brother has met a top aide to the Republican presidential candidate John McCain, fuelling rumours that some people close to the former First Lady are actively working against Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama.

    Tony Rodham, who held a fundraising event for Hillary in Pennsylvania when she was battling against Obama in the Democratic primaries, met Carly Fiorina, McCain's senior economic adviser in the state. "

  6. Most certainly; I knew it when I saw Bill on TV a couple of weeks ago moaning about how Obama 'painted him a racist'. Bill was pissed and I knew he would not get behind Obama for doing him wrong like that.

  7. I think that's definitely the plan,but of course you can't make it too obvious,because it would end her Political career if it has her fingerprints on it.And the Clintons are first and foremost about Power,she's not going to lose the Power she has in order to get the power she wants.But make no mistake,she wants it,she wants it bad enough that Barack should be really thankful for that Secret Service protection.


  8. NO!

  9. I didn't think they were being so stealth.  There have been a lot of things that has had the Clinton's name all over it.  

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