
Are the Cops wrong on this?

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Ok i've been in the same house for almost 2 years. The cops have been called some 15-20 times. For numerous reasons ranging from a camping fire in the back yard, to people getting arrested for c**p that they did elsewhere. Three people have been arrested at my house, paraphenalia has been found once, never any drugs found, no weapons at my house. They've come out for domestic disturbance on of my roomates mom's slapped her, one of my roomates called an ambulance for her back pain and the cops came, blah blah and my wife have never ever had the cops called specifically on us, and we don't have so much as a parking ticket. One cop told my roomate the other day we're going to start sending cars by regularly to catch you doing whatever it is you do before you do it. "We're going to shut down your house" Isn't this profiling???? Isn't this illegal or unconstitutional? If you know please tell me.




  1. Go to  and you can see what cops can and can not do.

  2. Its called proactive policing.  There is no way in h**l, any private residence should have 15-20 police responses in 2 years.

    I'd drive by your place with regularity too.

  3. Racial profiling is illegal, and unconstitutional.

    Criminal profiling is proactive community policing. It is not only legal, it is probably appreciated by your neighbors.

  4. 3 words


  5. Police departments are known to increase their presence in areas where there is a lot of criminal activity.  This is known as "good police work".  They do not generally tell the residents of that neighborhood (especially those living in a house where significant criminal activity is taking place) that they are doing so.

    Your room mates are causing a spike in police activity in your area ... I have to agree with the other people here, time to get new room mates!

    It's not illegal or unconstitutional to try to lower criminal activity in a problem area, it's just good police work!  I am wondering why the police officer tipped your room mate off though ... maybe a warning so they can get things ship shape?

  6. its legal constitutionaly because ur house is obviously a hot bed of crime and checking on the place where criminals live is not unconstitutinal. just dont do anything stupid and u wont have to worry about it.

  7. You and your friends are a nuisance. You are taking a ton of time for local law enforcement. No it is not profiling. At least you all live in the same house so officers know where to like for the problem children.

  8. Oh it is definitely profiling. But profiling is not illegal as long as it's not done for racial reasons. Your roommate is known trouble marker and your house is a known area of criminal activity. The police are simply taking steps to curb the activity. As long as they don't conduct unconstitutional searches or arrests, they are totally in the clear.

  9. have you ever heard of anyone being pulled over and asked the officer "don't you have anything better to do?".

    Well, you are that something better they should be doing.

  10. If it was really as direct as you say I would call it a bit unprofessional but not illegal in any sense.  

    And you can deal with those problems with the individual officer that said such remarks if they were to a truly innocent by going to internal affairs, etc.  

    Do not have a bad taste for all cops based on this incident alone.

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