
Are the DNA OF TWINS same

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Are the DNA OF TWINS same




  1. Depends on the kind of twins.  Fraternal twins come from two different eggs, so the DNA is different.  Identical twins split in two from the same egg and sperm, so their DNA is the same.

  2. DNA of identical twins (twins from same egg) are the same. However this is not the case in fraternal twins (twins from 2 different eggs).

    PS: I can;t believe how many people are saying no to this question! This is my field of study and I say: yes, DNA of identical twins are the same and no, DNA of non-identical twins (fraternal twins, twins from 2 different egg) are not the same.

  3. hahaha

    i can answer this my dad is a twin and when they were younger they would trade girlfriends without the girls even knowing it

    so they would always joke with my mom saying heyyyy you have no idea if im the father or if he is

    so when she divorced him a while back she wanted to test because she didnt trust him

    (my uncle realllly didnt sleep with my mom)

    my uncle david is  my father on a dna test and so was my dad they both came back posative

    although there can be some difference's in the dna if they were to test my uncles and my dads blood together

    they would have to be true identical twins


  4. Others have already given you this, so I'll elaborate.  Fraternal twins, no.  Identical twins come from the same egg, so their DNA is identical as well.  New part here:  Even though identical twins have many identical emotional/personality similarities, family and friends still recognize distinctly separate personalities in them.  And is seems to make no difference if the twins are raised in the same household or if they never knew one another growing up--as in the case of adoptions from birth.  What accounts for the difference?  It seems that what makes each of us unique humans goes much deeper than just the physical/emotional.  Is this evidence for the existence of the Soul?  Just some food for thought.

  5. Identical twins have the same DNA, but their phenotypes are are different, meaning their DNA is expressed in different ways.

    So, therefore, if you have one identical twin commit a crime, cops tested the DNA on the crime scene, they would need to compare both twins to get the right one who committed the crime.

    Oh, and just so you know, phenotypes determine the traits of the person, like fingerprints.

    Oh, and to those who gave me thumbs down: Go back to biology class, morons.

  6. No

  7. If they are identical twins, their DNA is the same.

    Fraternal twins have different DNA.

    Identical twins have the same genotype but different phenotypes.

  8. no, they are very similar, but there are no two people anywhere in the world with the exact same DNA

  9. No, but is common to assume so.

    To the people that keep giving people that say no a thumbs down: What was your grade in Biology? C? D? F? Probably one of those, "or am I right, or am I right... Or am I right"...

    The thing that is wrong with Yahoo! Answers is that there are so many ignorant answers.

  10. yes if they were identical ( one egg splitting into 2)  No if they were two embreos from separate fertilized eggs


  12. yes identical twins do. so be glad you don't have an evil twin.

  13. i remember learning in grade seven sciene that identical twins have the exact same genes and DNA UNTIL one of them get a cold or get sick, or anything of that sort. In all, they have the same DNA for a short while.

  14. identical twins yes

  15. as similar as any two people's DNA can get, but not the same

    edit: NO ONE'S DNA is the same as anyone else's. just like fingerprints, but even more so

  16. yes and no

    Although identical twins have the same genotype, or DNA, they have different phenotypes, meaning that the same DNA is expressed in different ways.

  17. of identical, yes

  18. Yes, identical twins are the same, maybe not EXACTLY the same but the differences are negligible.

    However, fraternal twins are no more the same than any other siblings of the same parents.

  19. Their DNA starts out the same, but when the zygote splits into 2, from that point on, differences can arise by point mutations. These mutations occur so infrequently that the DNA of identical twins is just often thought of as being identical, even if it's not quite true.

  20. If they are identical twins their DNA is the same. The only thing that is uniquely yours, is your fingerprints. No two people will ever have the same fingerprint, but twins can have the same DNA

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