
Are the Dem's that supported Hillary mad because there is FINALLY an attractive feminine Candidate for VP?

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Are they mad that Palin isn't the usual "manly" looking female politician?




  1. Of course not, we don't care about she looks, like.  We want someone who is going to make a real change not the same old thing.  Palin doesn't represent change.  

  2. I think they are angry because Obama, "the unifier," doesn't care about their votes. He stole the nomination from her and then pushed her out. If Obama is elected, Hillary won't be a candidate in '12. (you can't unseat the incumbent of the same party)

    Undecided women for Hillary, vote McCain and give Hillary a chance in '12.

  3. Sure, pork chop.  Check out her vlog!

  4. Pretty much. They could rally behind Hilary because she had a husband who cheated on her and she had some attractiveness issues. They could sympathize with her. Palin has a family that's pretty much intact, and she's probably more attractive than them. They feel threatened, so they hate her.  

  5. just wait till the press is finishing vetting her ,she withdraw her name for v.p.

  6. all that glitter's is not gold-and that is a low blow. I think Palin is attractive, but I still wouldn't vote for her because I don't believe in her politics. Hillary might have surprised some people-she might have been a good president.  

  7. I don't know but this is a stupid question. Her attractiveness is irrelevant to the job.

  8. No, I'm not mad. Palin looks like a typical Republican woman.  

  9. Yes

    But I think it's great, and she is more politically accomplished than Obama

    McPalin 08

  10. "attractive feminine candidate"?  No. Thats not on my list of must haves for VP.

  11. First of all, I think Hillary is very attractive especially considering she is 60 years old.  She just decided to wear pantsuits with all of her traveling and probably doesn't feel comfortable in panty hose.  Palin hasn't experienced the nationwide, constant travel and sleep deprivation.  Hillary was the first female to go through such a vigorous campaign.  She didn't want people discussing her clothes and makeup.  She wanted them to listen to what she had to say.

    Secondly, Palin wouldn't have been chosen at all if it wasn't for Hillary and Obama "making history".  

    Thirdly, I'm not angry about it at all.  

  12. that is funny hillary supporter are all feminists who hate men lol

  13. Palin sucks...LOL.

  14. You got a point, I heard and saw some of those Hillary supporters the other day when they were interviewed, wow, they are homely baggy looking women

    They are called "the sisters of the traveling pantsuits",

    I used to support Hillary, I fought for her like a SHE cat. but she took party before country, good bye MS Clinton, I think Sarah is the one we have been waiting for!

    Some of the men are so nasty here, imagine running into them in a dark alley!

  15. No...Why?

    I am happy she is a VP, because she is "SCANDALOUS"!

  16. Yeah. Why do you think so many of the immature ones regardless of age and gender refer to Palin as  MILF.

  17. No we are not mad we just don't like Palin and her archaic view of how the world should be and who should matter. Her whiners comment didn't help either. Nor do her positions against equal pay. creation being taught in school her disbelief in global warming, pro-life stance even for rape victims, wanting to teach abstinence and no s*x ed in schools, anti g*y rights positions. other than that she is fine.  

  18. Mad? No.  Unlike yourself, Dems are smart enough to vote for somebody based on their merits not their appearance.  

  19. Yes indeed. A real woman and I am sure Hillary was steaming at Obama after McCain's announcement of Palin.

  20. I am more concerned that Palin is opposed to abortion in cases of rape.

  21. What does being attractive have to do with running the country? Will a pretty candiate lower my gas prices or the amount I pay for food?

    Will it educate my child?

    Explain to me how  HER being attractive makes MY life easier if you can't than give this a rest.

  22. I'm not mad, i could care less about her looks as far as I'm concerned she should go back into pageantry instead of being in the White House.  

  23. Palin's candidacy is plainly a transparent attempt to attract Hillary supporters, when in reality she's the anti-Hillary in every ideological way.

  24. No!   looks has nothing to do with how a person perform on the job!   please don't demean senator clinton i don't agree with her policies but she is a smart woman.  

  25. Today I heard Rush Limbaugh on his radio program discussing McCain's brilliant choice.  He went on to say Sarah Palin wears SKIRTS and has WELL DEFINED ANKLES!!!!

    I think Rush believes she is a breath of fresh air.

  26. The polls show that only 18% of women are not mad. I am not sure why.

  27. An attractive feminine candidate for VP? Which party? 'Cause it ain't the Republicans.  Palin ain't the least bit attractive.

    Beauty is only skin deep.  Politics goes all the way to the bone, and Sarah Pale-in-comparison's politics are U-G-L-Y, she ain't got no alibi, they ugly.  

  28. They are mad because a pro life woman made it before a pro choice woman. If you want to vent your anger liberal Dems and feminist women, vent it on Obama not choosing Hillary, don't blame McCain and Palin that they stole the show.  

  29. its bull that shes more accomplished than obama.  So she was a mayor in a tiny town in alaska and is governor.  At least obama is in the senate and has experience on a federal level.  And I think that just because Obama is a first term senetor, he still has experience with all of the work he did in chicago. thats the kind of stuff we want our president to do.  I think its so pathetic that Mccain picked Palin, it's obviously a last attempt to try and get more votes.  As a female democrat its almost offensive that he picked her after only having known her for an hour,  does mccain think women are stupid enough to vote for her just because shes a woman?  

  30. Didn't you call democrats "sexist" earlier?

  31. Ok so who is superficial now? Honey good looks don't matter when you are trying to run a country! I want someone with substance not some wanna be beauty queen which btw came in SECOND! Hillary has more experience and qualification in her pinky finger than this woman does running a country that has a population smaller than that of my own city! What a joke! It's like she is president of a high school! Hahahahaha!

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