
Are the Demoncrats scared now that Palin is on the ticket and the reason the press is attacking her relntlsly?

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Should the press have vetted Obama to the extent they are vilifying Palin or is OK for the Press to attack a conservative woman but not a liberal one like Michelle Obama or evan Nanci Pelosi?




  1. Anyone who doesn't think she is being aggressively being attacked is just plain BLIND, DEAF, & DUMB. Look at that scandalous report in US Weekly. Wow... it is shocking that people get away with such things on her. When the reporter was questioned why "Lies" were in the heading, he buckled and couldn't answer.

    Women are being liberated by Sarah Palin's positions but the liberals hate it! Just hate it! If you don't fit their mold they attack you (apparently).

    I agree with most of your points. I got to believe Hilary is pissed because now she is nothing but a footnote in history! The Hilary crowd do not know how to deal with that situation. They are in SHELL SHOCK!!! I hope more women follow Sarah Palin in the support of a pro-life stance.

  2. In the name of equality I say let the Democrats attack Palin to the extant Republicans had and have attacked Hillary Clinton. Matching the tone, lies and viciousness.  

  3. That's it, hide behide her kid.  The Alaska Independence Party is her ticking time bomb.  Don't think tinfoiler groups will go over with middle America.  Think if Helen Chenoweth of Idaho were still alive.  Think she would be an asset?  

  4. Obama's been vetted since day one with accusations from people like you ranging from his being a "racist" to his being a "secret Muslim." The mainstream media has the responsibility of properly investigating Palin because the American people deserve the TRUTH.  

  5. Did you not watch the RNC? The Repubs were doing nothing but attacking Obama.

    And Obama has threatened to fire anyone who attacks Palin's family. Sorry, but your argument holds no water.

    Either side could just as easily argument they're being attacked.

  6. Wow, all I have seen is positive press about Palins speech.

    Why are you whining, if I were you I'd be happy.

    Oh I get it, you just want 100% positive press.

    Doesn't work that way my friend.

    Obama all the way.


  7. Putting Palin, on the ticket don't mean nothing.  Hilary voters, will more likely than not stick with Obama.  Get over your issues.  

  8. The mainstream press is not attacking her for God's sake. It is somthing they are throwing out there and Hannity and I have people like you believing it hook line and sinker.

  9. I don't think the press is attacking her enough.  The woman is vile.  

  10. d**n right we're concerned.  She's a nut, a right wing zealot who believes the war in Iraq is God's will.  She's a total disaster and we fear for our great nation.  

  11. The press is not attacking Palin.  They are reporting on her experience.  They did the same for Obama.  Like it or not, her past experience and career should be made public.  That is not "attacking".  Nancy Pelosi is currently not running for office.  In San Francisco, the district she represents, she is in the news during election time.

    I think people are making too big of a deal about the reporting of the pregnancy of her daughter.  Ideally, I would prefer that it did not come up but it really has not been made into a huge deal.

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