
Are the Dems. panicking? Obama's bounce was bad and shrinking! And Palin stole the lights from him?

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I have to admit Mccain's pick was the smartest i've ever seen in politics. He knew that her pick will be viewed as controversial by some media pundits and left wingers. He stole Obama's thunder after his speech when all the media was talking about her one day after the convention, also made a history by picking a woman to counter Obama's historic nomination, fired up the conservatives base and energized them by picking one of them AND he knew she will steal the lights from him, now everybody is talking about her. NOBODY is talking about Obama anymore and she suddenly became a media sensation and a celeb lol. Mccain is really something. And he also dragged the lefties to attack her which will backfire and hurt the dems. more. See the headline news, Obama's bounce is small and shrinking!!




  1. Yes they're. The polls today showed Obama lead by 8 points but thats still less than what they thought he would gain after the convention.

  2. All of the focus on Palin is ad hominem attacks to keep the focus off of Obama being a criminal and a terrorist.

    For example, he pays 1/3rd the property taxes of comparable houses in his neighborhood.  And he worked for 5 years on a board with neostalinist terrorist Billy Ayers who should be serving a life prison sentence but got off on a "prosecutorial misconduct" technicality.  Together they defrauded $100million of the Walter Annenberg grants in a lame front to develop a Marxist educational system for Chicago youth, and they failed at THAT too!  And this is Obama’s real executive experience and why he won’t flaunt that before Sarah’s experience is that it reveals that he is a terror-affiliated Marxist crook!

  3. check the polls you are wrong

  4. Actually, your poll is based upon "faulty" assumptions...The main reason why there is media attention on McCain/Palin is because she is under heavy scrutiny (and her shady past) is coming to light...Other polls have Obama (50%) leading McCain (43%)....From what I can see on Y!A, some "fence sitters" are moving towards Obama and that is probably because Palin is a Pro-Secessionist, American "traitor".

  5. I'm just waiting  to see what else will come out. Husband arrested for dui, curroption, teen pregnancy, Alaskan Independent Party member, Its like she is a poster child for hollywood.

  6. A. other sources are reporting the bounce is increasing.

    B. be careful what you ask for... the media and everyone is talking about palin, but its under the eye of scrutiny more than anything else.  the smoke is starting to settle and people are trying to figure out WHO she is, verifying her record, looking into her past, and looking into the vetting process which looks very sketchy.  the campaign has been forced to protect her and her baggage, AND mccain's judgement.  this is way off their message which should be about attacking obama and the dems.  and since the gop chose someone with very little experience, much like obama, they don't have much left to say.  its a circus!

    don't celebrate yet...

  7. Unqualified? I doubt it she's been running Alaska for two years.  I can't seem to recall what Obama has run.  Yes, he is a Senator but he's spent more time campaigning than performing his Senate duties which we are still paying him for.  As for her daughter, that has NO bearing on her ability to lead and should not be the subject of the media whatsoever.

  8. Yeah, what a way to steal the limelight: pick a corrupt, unqualified mother with a pregnant unwed teenage daughter.  Nice going.

  9. yes llook at this poll

    a Zogby Interactive flash poll, both completed over the weekend, have found the presidential race is in a dead heat. no big bump or even marginable lead stick a fork in him hes done.

  10. Oh please...his lead has been shrinking...not wide enough...or not in the double digits, but nobody mentions that he's been in the lead since July and McCain cant get pass 45%

  11. That's affirmative!

  12. You sound like the panicky one.  Obama is fine.  I'm sure he's happy to let Palin's revelations steal the thunder from the GOP.

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