
Are the Electric Hybrids the same as having a solar pannel on your veichle? Or does it work the same?

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Are the Electric Hybrids the same as having a solar pannel on your veichle? Or does it work the same?




  1. Not the same thing.

    Solar cars, which aren't on the market, convert solar energy into electricity.

    Hybrids convert braking, or spare engine power, into stored battery power.  (nothing solar going on in hybrid cars)

    Hybrids run on battery power when they can, and gasoline power the rest of the time.

  2. no not yet, i mean solar panels collect power to be used and electic hybrids use batteries for there power and usually gas powered engines generate the recharge for the battery in a cycle,

    solar panels on a good would be good for a all electric car instead of the hybrid because you wouldnt need the gas engine to collect (or generate) the power but solar panels are not strong enough yet to provide a constant stream of power the electric motors need hopefully in the future if solar panels get small enough and compact enough to fit multple on a roof of a car we would have a free standing limit less electrical car in the sunlight at least and than maybe use batteries at night or rain storm.

  3. They work like the railroad trains, disel electric, only hybreds are  gasoline electric. The primary power is supplied by batteries that drive electric motor, when batteries need a charge small gasoline motor starts and charges the batteries. Some have small alternators on the wheels that work going downhill or coasting.

  4. The hybrid vehicle uses a gasoline or diesel engine to recharge the betteries of the car. The batteries provide electricity to operate electric motors which drive the car.

    The hybrid vehicle does not use a sola panel to generate electricity.

    One of the major advantages of the hybrid is that it permits the gasoline or diesel engine to operate at a constant speed and constant load.

    If an engine operates at a known constant speed and a known constant load it can be designed and tuned to operate much more efficiently than an engine that must operate at variable speeds and variable loads.

    Also the hybrid can recapture some of its braking energy by using it drive motors as generators to recharge the batteries on braking.

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