
Are the Europeans related to Ancient Israel?

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I meant are the Europeans one of the lost tribe of Israel or Judah?

what about The Asians and Native Americans, are they part of the lost tribes of Israel too?




  1. no your dumb. read a book or two.

  2. No, they are not. Every race is simple a descendant of Noah's sons. Israel  

    was divided into 12 tribes based on Jacob's (renamed Israel) sons. None of them were Asian or Native American ect...(they were what we would now call Jewish)

  3. Lost Tribes of Israel? No - this is sort of like unicorns or easter bunnies. No lost tribes of Israel, They are fictional.  

  4. No because I'm not part Jewish.

    Native Americans and Asians arent Jewish either.

  5. A few are, but not all of them. Just those of Jewish descent. And no, the Asians and Native Americans are not members of the "lost tribe." That's a myth thought up by theologians in the 16th century as they tried to reconcile their literal beliefs with new discoveries. There is no real "lost tribe" of Israel. Jews were dispersed by the Assyrians and Babylonians. Some of them came together in various parts of the world, but the truth is that none of the tribes really remained intact. There is no historical evidence whatsoever that there was a "lost" tribe. It is just a part of medieval theo-historical tradition.  

  6. We're all related.

    Humans originated in Africa.  The largest migration out of Africa was when massive desertification started to happen there and people needed more suitable land to live on.

    No, Europeans are not a lost tribe of Israel.  Israel could be considered part of Europe actually.

    People spread out from Africa.  Some settled in various parts of Europe, others in Asia.  Over hundreds and hundreds of years many different migrations occured.

    Asians eventually migrated to the Americas when there was a land bridge from Asia to Alaska.  Over more hundreds, thousands of years, these people formed their own groups all over the place.

    A couple hundred years ago Europeans in particular did a lot of migrating all over the world.

    These days just about anyone from anywhere can move to any other part of the world.

  7. What your talking about is British-Isrealism, the idea that Europeans are a lost tribe of Israel sold through slavery was very popular over here in the Victorian times as we like to see ourselves as a bit special and being the "true chosen people" not the Jews suited the empire building spirit. Although it cant be disproved, there where white tribes already in Europe at that time, particularly in Germany so I doubt it. It basically comes from European Aristocracy having to have links back to the throne of David so they can prove they are chosen by God.

  8. By the Jewish Tradion no one can say for sure who is what

    But 1 thing they can say for sure that the jewish who live now belong to Judea Ttribe

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