
Are the French band Justice really christians??

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please tell me its a lie




  1. They could well be. What's the problem with it? Of course that's not US Christians so if you're American you might find other people's way of being Christian strange.

  2. Some reports in France present Justice like a band of "electro-chretien".

    I think we can say that they have taken inspiration from Christian Religion for their style but they are not.

    What's your problem with christians ?

  3. No they are not a christian band as in the American meaning: those don't exist in France. France is a catholic country so evangelists are not part of our culture.

    The cross is just a graphic choice by their graphic artist, which they kept because they found it amusing that people would be intrigued by it. They think all the rumors around it keep them famous.

    They're probably like a majority of French people, that is non-religious catholics. If they have any religious beliefs as individuals, in any case, they have never expressed them as a band.

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