
Are the G8 summit promises irrelevant when the UK can't keep even its own streets safe and clean?

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Are the G8 summit promises irrelevant when the UK can't keep even its own streets safe and clean?




  1. Looks like they are all out of gas and the credit card is cancelled. Looks like a long, long period of belt-tightening and close-downs. Yikes!

    Don't know whether to be mad at those Arabs in Saudii or those Morgage Bankers in Manhatten. We have d**n sure been taken to the cleaners like never before.

  2. We must not disturb their lavish life styles.

    As with most things, we are told by ministers to, don't do as I do, do as I tell you.

  3. In a word....yes.

    Ever noticed how there is increasing pressure on invdividuals and households to save the planet but very little on corporations. Just how much energy would be solved by the same companies getting each of their branches to switch off their store lights and offices at night?

  4. No.The decisions made there are opposite of what is reported in the msm.As are the reports from the Club of Rome,CFR,RIIA, and other elitists organizations.

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