
Are the GOP confused as to the term "Green technology"?

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thinking that is supports any technology that makes money/"green", as opposed to technologies that are environmentally sound?




  1. dear potential voter,

    the GOP POLICIES CAUSED  all this to escalate

    now they want to pretend- for votes- they will go against their corporate big business interests.

    knowing the global warming issue has caught on they  have to pretend a little bit.

    but like always

    they'll get your vote and then say cant afford to save the world and support the ongoing  big business welfare and  tax cuts for the wealthy .. (hee hee hee)

    fool me once - bush and cheney

    fool me twice - shame on you and bush and cheney

    fool me three times? -  and you'd deserve mccain

    let's see what america does.

  2. i am not confused.   i just do not buy into the extent that idiots will take in order to bring down my country.   do i believe we need to be aware of hazards?  yes we need to be responsible but only to a point and not be confused with the real issue behind the eco freaks logic.     mr  doodles

  3. The basic philosophies of the GOP would seem to indicate that money would be the first concern. Although I do know individual Republicans that are very green thinking environmentally. Even McCain's State (AZ) has   a very interesting energy project using Algae . I learned this from watching a program on PBS.

    I have noticed that very public people (religious and political people) have now started to come together about Global warming. And I do not think they are doing this merger of thought and support entirely as a popularity -vote for me -sort of situation. I think they know Global warming is real and are very concerned.

  4. umm no, do you think you can ask your question more clearly? What are you trying to say here?

  5. I think their way of "Green Technology" is a better machine that can print money faster.

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