
Are the Greens starting to show their true colours now that they have the bit of power?

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That Eamon Ryan fella is only talkin about bringing in water charges! As if we hadn't enough bills already!

We always knew it was a mistake letting the sandals and hummus brigade into government. Sher they’ll bring in a carbon tax as well.

And we all know that Fianna Fail will pass the buck and blame everything on the Greens at the next election!




  1. did yis hear the news..WATER SHORTAGE IN IRELAND... like my God, what was that wet stuff pi$$ing out of the sky for the last few months..carrot juice???

    maybe they'd prefer if we used wheatgrass/carrot mixture instead of water, it would look like what they mostly speak. Manure.

  2. Well,  I think it's a matter of the green's true colours getting watered down!  Absolute power corrupts absolutely and all that.  There's been quite a lot of reversal of principles with regard to incinorators, etc.  Definitely the scapegoat come next election, however I think opposition definitely will win the day next time- these muppets can't possibly go full term.  Without loveable rogues and SSIAs this lot are pretty transparent.

  3. the green party... lefty losers... would like to see use living in mud huts and drinking our own urine

    fudge 'em

  4. yous fellas are T.C.s now yous could stop them yourselves.

    good on yous, give christine  a knock on the way she's been poorly today, but she's good for the craic and she likes a guinness.

  5. The only reason Fianna Fail go into partnership is to give the other party all the dodgy departments, like health and justice.  Poor (?!!) Mary gets the blame for everything, and the Greens are falling into the same trap. The water charges might, necessary in another few decades, but for now?  Don't we pay enough taxes?

    Why does no one suggest that VAT on ESB and Gas bills  be dropped?, and while we're getting ripped of with our heating bills and putting extra cardigans on ourselves to keep warm, (which inhibits the movement  of my arm to and from the bottle of wine) we can remind ourselves there is feckin NO VAT on gambling?  WTF is that about?   Now wheres the horse racing on!!!  

    And if you plan knocking on the door with Larry make sure you come laden down with gifts,  wine usually works LOL, and some left over chicken for Betty...the dog.

  6. n***s in green uniforms that cycle bikes.

    FF wont be in power by the next election if the fuhrer has his way, he wont burn the DAIL like Reich-stag because of the carbon emissions, he will probably block it up or impose a tax on its existence therefore negating itself out of existence.

    We will all be back on the donkey and cart while the Greens have a book burning , sorry book biodegradable composting protest like the Nuremberg rallies only it will probably be a tent at electric picnic and it wont be called electric picnic as electricity is bad and picnics ruin the countryside probably called The green n**i party summer love in with zero emissions and locally sourced fair trade hummus with biodegradable packaging day out thingy.

    When you sell your soul to the devil  you should read the fine print, Look what happened to the Progressive Dumb@ss party, they will be punished in the next election.

    The only green party member i have any respect for is Trevor Sargent, at least he had the b@lls to step down as party leader because they went into power with FF.

    proper decentralisation and the even spreading of jobs through out the country would have reduced the demand in the east.

  7. Would you rather FF joined forces with Sinn Fein?

    As a green voter (yes I'll admit it!)  I was not overly happy they agreed to go into power with FF especially given the fact that the recruitment of the independents and PDs meant the Greens couldn't threaten to bring down the government if FF reneged on any pre coalition agreements.

    Let's face it.  Water charges are being brought in for a reason. Because so many of us live on the east coast there are projected water shortages by 2013.

    And unless major investment is put in place this problem will not be fixed. and we'll end up, like the people of Galway have experienced with a water tax by default because of a shortage.

    43% of the treated drinking water is lost before it reaches the consumer!  

    Why is this? because successive governments have wasted our boom time economy and not invested money in our basic infrastructure.

    The way I look at it we can pay for this through stealth taxes, as preferred by the previous FF lead governments and continue to get a shoddy service or pay the water charges up front and at least see were the money's being spent.

    It make's sense to conserve water use in a time when were looking at shortages in the near future, especially when so little of what is treated is used as drinking water.  I personally will not loose any sleep over people having to pay a little extra for a power shower.

    Personally I think the green's are the only good thing about this government.  Yes they've had to make compromised (as any coalition party must) but i fail to see what's wrong with investing in home grown energy sources, buying stuff locally instead of flying food from New Zealand and taking a pro-active response to climate change.

    People in the Republic have been too use to their politicians saying,  'sure we'll be all right' and pushing the expense of badly needed infrastructure down the line to the next generation.

    I'm glad for once a party in government is being up front with us for once but if you prefer the 'everything's grand mantra' then you know who to vote for.



    Regardless the investment wasn't put in and the reality is that we are loosing 43% of our treated water.

    The money is going to have to come from somewhere and you are going to end up paying for it regardless.

    If it comes from borrowed money, you'll probably end up paying twice what the infrastructure cost.

    If you wait until we're at the point were many towns in Ireland will be facing water shortages you'll pay to send in tankers with drinkable water which will cost significantly more than fixing the problem now.

    The fact is the government has not budgeted for this major investment and they've already made all sorts of cuts.  

    Do you really believe they're going divert more money from the Health Services or schools to pay for this? Especially given the current economic climate.

    I think we might have to agree to differ on this one but you can't blame the greens for pointing out the blindingly obvious.  We are going to have to pay, personally I'd rather know exactly what I'm paying for.

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