
Are the Hurricanes Striking the US God's punishment because the Republicans do not believe in Global Warming?

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Liberal politicians and activists are now saying that because the Republicans do not believe in Global Warming, God is punishing them by striking the US with Hurricanes.

Do you believe this is true? Do you believe God would punish people for not believing in Global Warming?




  1. No. But this type of comment really should be expected from some of the loony fanatics.

    Many of these people believe that hurricanes never even existed before so-called 'Global Warming'.

    Perhaps they think that their 'God', the almighty Al Gump is responsible.

    This whole movement reminds me of Jim Jones and the Jonestown cult.

    I can only hope that history repeats itself in this case.

    It would solve many of our problems in my opinion.

    At least the rest of us will be left to get on with the important issues and stop being ripped off!

  2. "There is no God" eh?    What is God?   Science tries to discover how the world works.  Should we not marvel at, and be thankful for, the fact that it does work?   The fact that it has worked out so well for us?    We cannot fully understand that force that caused that - be it a precursor or just the unfolding of the universe itself, of its own volition.   Even if it was chance, those were the thinnest of possible odds - should we not be thankful and isn't that feeling God?    Belief in God doesn't have to mean there's some old guy in the clouds with gates and a book that says whether you get in or not.    

    As for the connection between hurricanes and global warming, the AGW proponents cannot seem to make up their minds.

    In 2003 and 2004, when hurricane damage was up because of an increase in coastal development, and in 2005 when hurricanes were more frequent and more powerful, and in 2006 when they thought the trend in 2005 would continue, they said global warming causes more frequent and more powerful hurricanes:

    But then a funny thing happened. The trend reversed – hurricanes, as anyone not living in a cave has noticed, have since become less frequent and weaker.  In reality hurricanes follow 25-30-year cycles, always have, and they thought there were a few more years left on the bad side so they “predicted” more bad hurricane seasons and said that that’s what global warming caused.   A few mild seasons means the cycle has shifted and most of the next 20 will also be mild.  

    They don’t want to hear “hey Al, where’d the hurricanes go” for the next 20 years.

    So, as if on cue, they’ve changed their story to, you guess it, hurricanes are made weaker and less frequent by…. (drum roll please)….. global warming!

    This is just another example, along with polar bear populations declining / growing, seas getting saltier / less salty, snowfall declining / increasing, and even warming versus cooling itself, the only consistency in anything the warmers have to say is this equation:

    X happens, they say global warming causes X.

    Y, the opposite of X, happens, they say global warming causes Y.

  3. first of all there is no god

    second im republican and i believe in global warming  

  4. Could it also be that it is hurricane season and the gulf states are in hurricane alley? Correct me if I'm wrong, but hurricanes have been around since the beginning of earth.

  5. Well what can you say Michel is a true A-- HOLE .I was up and say his rant on msnbc he was almost lafing ,over this.

  6. no... the hurricanes are striking because thats mother nature  dumbazz.  

  7. Absolutely!-- why just yesterday I received an email message telling me that this was true--- plus many web site blogs are echoing this same fact.

    Now I am just waiting for it to appear on NBC as the lead story on the evening news.

    EDIT--- lighten up folks -- it's meant to be a joke!

  8. First off I have not heard any politician, be it conservative or liberal, say that hurricanes are God's punishment on the US. I am a liberal, but I dont think that conservatives dont believe in Global warming. In fact, I think liberals and conservatives both feel that Global warming is an issue. And secondly no, hurricanes are not punishment from God, they are simply God's way of putting water where it is needed, and we humans get in the way. People on the Gulf coast know hurricanes happen, and they take that risk, just like people in California know earthquakes can happen, and people in the midwest know tornadoes are a very real possibility.  

  9. if anything it is the opposite.  God said let their be no other God before me.  GW believers have created a new religion where the CO2 molecule is satan and alternative energy sources must be worshiped.  So God would melt the golden idols of those that place GW before him.

  10. I believe this is hilarious.

  11. no but im being punished for your parents lack of a condom

  12. LOL.

    Oh misguided Liberal. It'll all be okay.

  13. actually mitchell, ted kennedy did say something along these lines about god punishing us because of mississippi governor barbour and oil

  14. I think God is more concerned in our Souls and if we believe in Jesus Christ, than Global Warming.

    BTW - nice and mild summer (one of the coolest) here on the Oregon Coast.  

  15. This is the biggest load of c**p i've ever read on this site.

    The global warming is causing the Hurricanes, it isn't a punishment from god but nature's punishment.

  16. No.  And i don't know any "liberal politicians or activists" who are saying so.

    I think you made that up.

  17. No way.  God is a God of love.  Whether you believe in global warming or not is your opinion, and God wouldn't punish you based on your opinions.  Hurricanes happen, anyway.  It's just the weather pattern, not revenge.

  18. I think you are on the right track , God doesnt like Democrats, New Orleans is a Democratic stronghold. wut does that tell you?

  19. The Bible seems crystal clear in Revelation chapter 11 verse 18:

    "God will destroy the destroyers of the earth."

    Hurricanes don't "destroy" a civilization, but the collapse of its food supply through climate change and overutilization (such as declining world fisheries) does.  Ironically the downward spiral is marked by wars over resources, so we carry out much of the destruction that we've set ourselves up for..

    Whether or not one believes in God or pays any attention to the Bible's warning that there will be consequences if we damage the earth, it's an interesting prophecy.  The prediction was made a couple of thousand years ago when nothing was known to exist that could possibly "destroy the earth", yet here we are, releasing greenhouse gasses that will warm the planet enough to destroy a large percentage of the species on it.

    It's funny that some people claim to be religious, but then blow off parts of the Bible that might slightly inconvenience them.

    I'm agnostic and don't see any reason to believe that today's Big Religion is any different than the priests that Jesus fought against, but I have enough physics education to understand that we're increasing greenhouse gas levels and the outcome will be highly unpleasant for us.

    In other words, the way the universe works and the way that we're acting it's highly unlikely that we can avoid the consequences of our current actions.  If God created that universe, then yes, he designed it in a way that ensured that we would be punished, as noted in Revelations.  

    If God doesn't exist those same properties of physics apply, and we're still screwed.  

    Either way it's simply due to our own choices and our lack of action to mitigate the damage we're causing.

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