
Are the Inuits/eskimos from Alaska of Asian descent?

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They look like Chinese. Are they Asians? Do the native Americans have any Asian connection?




  1. Yes. The Out of Africa movement (80.000 years ago) reaches China and environs around 70,000 years ago and then moves on to America via the Beiring Straits. The interesting part is how they move from the Beiring strait in waves. This is quiet intriguing. Read all about it in Stephen Oppenheimer's nobel prize winning work: Out of Africa's Eden.

  2. Bering Strait, where the Eastern and Western Hemispheres face one another across a narrow strip of water, is the most likely place for migrating groups to have crossed into the New World. Most scientists agree that during one of the ice ages there was a land bridge between Alaska and  Russia. Which isn't that difficult to believe (seeing as how the gap is only 58 miles wide and only 100–165 ft deep) that some people from that region on earth migrated into Alaska and Canada, then eventually into  other areas.The land bridge that existed over the Bering Strait during the Ice Ages is known now as the Bering Land Bridge. Some scientists believe that so much water was stored as ice that the sea level dropped, exposing more land. Other scientists believe that during the ice age this strait was frozen over. This would have allowed humans and animals to cross. At no time, however, was the peopling of the New World a mass movement of people. More likely it was a trickle of small groups or bands entering from Asia over thousands of years. Among the last to arrive were the ancestors of the Eskimos who, settling along the Arctic coasts, effectively ended the migrations.

    The Bering Strait is a sea strait between Cape Dezhnev, Russia, the easternmost point of the Asian continent and Cape Prince of Wales, Alaska, the westernmost point of the North American continent.

    The American Indians are physically Mongoloids and thus must have originated in eastern Asia. The differences in appearance of the various New World tribes in recent times are due to (1) the initial variability of their Asian ancestors; (2) adaptations over several millennia to varied New World environments; and (3) different degrees of mixing in post-Colombian times with people of European, African, and Asian origins. Differences from their relatives in northeastern Asia are also due to changes in the latter populations after the separation.

  3. I believe they came from Asia using the land bridge when Alaska and Asia were connected

  4. Yes.  They came from Asia.

  5. The Inuit is the correct term for the ethnic group.  The Inuit speak languages in the (poorly named) Eskimo-Aleut language family.  The term Eskimo is actually an Athabaskan term meaning eaters of raw flesh and is derogatory.  The Inuit are part of the third and final wave of immigrants from Asia that colonized the Americas prior to European arrival.  The first two waves spread southwards to become what are today called the Ameri-Indian groups.  The Inuit were the last wave and settled in the northern extremes.  The first two waves likely crossed a land bridge between Siberia and modern day Alaska during the last glacial maximum when a greater portion of the Earth's water was trapped as ice lowering sea levels and exposing continental shelves as well as connecting Alaska and Asia, Australia and Tasmania, and creating shallow seas easily navigated by canoe around the world.  The Inuit came later after sea levels had come to resemble the modern state.  The Inuit are adapted both physically (see Bergmann's and Allen's rules) as well as technologically (kayaks, parkas, toggle-headed harpoons, etc.) to extremely cold conditions.  They live in Asia and the Americas, including Greenland, where they were one of the contributing factors to the collapse of Viking colonies.

    Short Answer:  Both the Inuit and Native American Indians are descended from Asian populations.

    Hope this helps!

  6. all Amerindians, including Inuits, have emigrated from Asia, in several migrations, over thousands of years, and all are related to mongols \ Chinese.

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