
Are the KKK, Heritage Front or Black Panthers still around?

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Are the KKK, Heritage Front or Black Panthers still around?




  1. More people worry about and mention the KKK than there are members. Out of 300 million Americans, it is estimated that there are only 5000 active members left.

  2. yes... of course.

  3. Unfortunately, yes to all three.

  4. The KKK is still around, but younger white supremacists tend to prefer the look of skinheads to guys in sheets and pointy hoods. So the skinheads and n***s are growing and the KKK is fading away.

  5. yes, i am only sure of one and it is the kkk. only reason why i know  this because they were handing out flyers at a college in illinois about 3 weeks a ago.

  6. The KKK is.

  7. yes they are (sad to say) these groups will  never be totally gone.. they are based largely on lies and stereotypes and rumors and fear and to place blame (i'd be working if--- was not here).

  8. yes , yes, and yes . there are more FBI agents in the KKK than good old boys. the panthers are still around thought dispersed  through out  other factions, the  Heritage I have no Idea, never heard of them. what I want to know is were are the SDS, the weathermen Where are the studende with the set of nuts their daddys had or better yet,WHERE IN THE HECK HAPPENE TO THOSE DADDYS

  9. Lol Black Panthers..either in jail or dead, Heritage Front ? wtf never heard of that. KKK i believe in there beliefs. My friends dad is in it. Im not a Redneck but I support this organization!

  10. Yes they are

  11. yes but not as powerful as they once were because they have since passed laws against most of what they once did and people have evolved.

  12. Until about a month ago the black panthers were listed on obamas web site as contributors. They took them of after the Reverend wright  thing.

  13. unfortunatally they are if your are interested in finding out about them you should look them up on the history channels website

  14. Probably, in underground organisations, you'll never get rid of fringe racist activists, sadley!

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