
Are the Lakers better with or without Lamar Odom and Pau Gasol?

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If the Lakers are better with them then why. If they are not then who should replace them.




  1. Lamar has the skills of a top 10 player but he can never concentrate throughout the entire season(family issues etc.). Pau is really tall and long but his J isn't as reliable as it once was. Still not too many better and obtainable players out there. Artest is a headcase and Shawn Marion has as big an ego as Kobe. Just come back with a healthy Bynum and Ariza and try to  

    deal either VladRad or Luke Walton for someone useful(good luck with that). They'll be alright.

  2. Why wouldn't they be better with them?  Pau Gasol is a former all-star and Lamar Odom is a pretty decent SF.  They are both good players, but they are soft.  They can probably take you pretty far into the playoffs, but will need a big year from Bynum to have a chance at a championship.

  3. Bettter, DUMB QUESTION!

  4. they are better with them just look at the record when they got gasol

  5. I think that they can still be good, just not Very good! But Lamar Odom and Pau gasol are a lot of help to Kobe.....

  6. With Pau going back to PF he will be alot better than he was last year, and the Lakers were 25-5 to finish the season with him in the lineup......

    Lamar is good, but I think they should trade him for Artest.....

  7. I think the Lakers are fine. They were playing with Gasol at C and LO at PF. When Gasol was in Memphis he played PF and LO has always played better @ the SF positon. With the Return of Bynum LA will be back in the finals. I was actually very surprised they made it to the finals so easy, minus their starting C

  8. The whole team should be broken up and traded away for picks.  I have never seen such a lack of defensive effort in any finals for any given sport.  When players take it coast to coast and finish off with a uncontested dunk, you need to start from scratch.

  9. I guess you're talking about if the Lakers would be better if Kobe had the ball 90% of the time and the rest of the team was role players. We've seen what that does after Shaq left so I guess not.

  10. the Lakers went 29-7 with pau in the mix, as were the odom is only a piece that can get you in the 1st or 2nd round playoffs that's if there is an all-star on the team. Trading pau would be by far the stupidest move the lakers could do. Odom on the other hand has been a disappointment, 3 years later and i still hate the trade it's a real shame the lakers couldn't bargain for anything better. Well maybe if we didn't trade caron bulter it would have been worth it, but then again if we wouldn't have traded for kwame we never would have gotten pau so that's pretty much a pointless explination. Anyways to answer your question i believe odom to should be traded only for another good sf or pf if they can get a good value they should simply keep him. If the lakers go out and trade for something useless they would have lost one of the top 10 best sf in the league.

  11. i think the wouldnt do so well

    kobe cant do it all

    so id say with

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